Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Spirit Healers (Mr. Alfredo Luiz Di Palma Albarello)

Q. Hi Lynn, Could you please answer this question? As commented on your blog, this spirit healer (Mr. Alfredo Luiz Di Palma Albarello, age 50 to 60) falls sick for 3-4 days after each healing session. Could you possibly find the cause and if possible suggest some measures against it. He treats once every fortnight and tends up to 50 people (as far as I could observe). His sessions are free and as a special gift during his sessions a MD is present and prescribes the drugs recommended by the spirit (the drugs can be bought at a pharmacy of the patient's choice).

This is intriguing because John of God who is almost 73 years old, always treats for 3 days in a row each week (and has around 1000 patients/week). With John of God one has to buy his medicine, if he prescribes some.

BTW, I was present at yesterdays healing session and asked for permission to pose this question to you..
A. I get that Mr Albarello is extremely empathic and uses those skills to preform a form of reiki on his clients. Being empathic allows him to experience someone else's life (emotions, physical condition,etc) through his own person. I get that he does this intently, but never completely breaks away from his clients at the end of the healing (he remains attached so whatever ails them, will carry on and ail him until he goes through his 2-4 day cleanse that manifests as a sickness).

He could benefit from clearing himself quickly between clients, and then do an intense clearing at the end of a session. Carrying other peoples energy for extended times can really wear on a system (stress, fatigue, etc). In addition to clearing himself he can direct the energy he projects on to people in through his crown and out his hands and feet while he heals his own being.

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

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