Sunday, June 28, 2015

REMINDER - Weekly Meditation Tomorrow 6/28/15

Scheduled Meditation with a Weekly Focus

Hello everyone! I had a great idea submitted to me to hold a weekly meditation with the goal being to focus on one topic each week. Once you go into the meditation and feel yourself as being balanced, send healing, love and positive energy in that direction of that weeks focus. Collectively we can make a difference (and it is important that you realize and believe it!). Intent is everything!

I would like to set this up for 9 AM EST each Sunday for four consecutive Sundays. If you cannot join in at 9, join in when you can. Positive thoughts are always welcome whether you are meditating, riding in a car, or sitting quietly for a few moments at work.

Here is a schedule (that we can modify depending on comments that come in).. Let's start on June 21st in celebration of the summer solstice (when energy is already high).

June 21st: Focus on a collective conscious rise in vibration with a focus on togetherness, oneness and connectedness to each other. Realize we are all one.
June 28th: Take our oneness and use that strength to address any past karmatic issues or trauma housed in the oneness (crimes against humanity or other beings). Dismiss them and strengthen the bonds between all of us elevating our vibration along the way.
July 5th: Focus on healing the earth. We have all the resources we need to live, and when we continue to give back to the earth, it will continue to provide. We are surrounded with abundance. *On this same topic A Man Called Dadaforwarded me an article regarding healing water. If we all took some time to do this (on a small or big scale), this could be a beautiful step in putting energy and healing into our water. I encourage you to read this and share it.
July 12th: Focus on banishing the effects of fear. See items causing fear (finances, politics, etc) as a statement of knowledge and learning, but disengage from the emotion (which just makes it stronger). Eventually these tactics become ineffective, and from there peace can begin to blossom.

I look forward to "seeing" you there. Love and light- Lynn

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Charleston Murders - Dylann Storm Roof

Q. Hello PF. Please could you do a reading on Dylann Storm Roof? The kid who murdered 9 black people in an African American church in Charleston. First of all, is that even his real name? Feels like an anagram. Secondly, what motivated the killing? Was he programmed to do it, or was it of his own volition? Why does the media seem to be protecting his image? Fourthly, is the confederate flag burning some sort of propaganda? I feel it is a means of distracting people from the real issues. Who is benefiting from these current racial tensions? Would really appreciate your insight on this case PF, thanks.
A. I see the underlying agenda as being to start a race war to keep us fighting between ourselves. As one issue dies off, we are presented with another to keep the negative energy flowing. If we are in turmoil the government can come in and "save us" by taking away more rights (we will voluntarily give them up in exchange for "protection") and they can also act on other political affairs while remaining under the radar.

The name is a fake.. When I look at the name I saw a separation DY LANN.. Then it morphed to "DIE LANN." [I did take a second to look up lann in the dictionary because I felt like it was telling my die "lann" and realized the etymology of lann means church in one of the forms] This event was planned to happen in a church to evoke a stronger emotion from the population. Then I get that this event happening at a church is the same analogy as Sandy Hook being said to happen at a school. They both create intense emotions.

I see this person as really being some kind of Federal Agent being masked to be someone else. He was chosen for his look (Caucasian, male, and looks much younger than his "real" age). I get he was paid off to do this, and will float through the legal system and eventually just kind of "vanish" like a witness in the relation program.

The ultimate goal of these false flags (aside from the breakdown of society rather than creating unity) is to get some kind of bill enacted in which eventually all guns have to be registered, and from there a tax / fee / paid license will occur. I see it turning into a federal offense to own or possess a gun that isn't "taxed" to some extent. Then I hear that guns (starting with long guns) will have to have some kind of stamp issued similar to how a "stamp" is issued to have a silencer or muffler (is the word I hear) on your gun.

I also see some kind of plot diagram in the shape of the US being created with this knowledge, and the states lining the Mississippi and most of Texas are bright red in comparison to the rest of the US. Guns looks to be sprinkled like pepper all over the US, but the concentration is closer to the Mississippi (both sides).

I keep hearing this phrase and I cannot connect to how it pertains or where I am being directed, but the phrase is "All that we need for evil to exist is for good men to do nothing.."

And that is all I have for this reading. Love and light-

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Dynamo the Magician

Q. I just watched a couple of videos of the "magician" Dynamo. He walks on water, freezes water instantly, shrinks phones and puts them in bottles, levitates, walks down buildings, etc . How is he able to do these things? What is he tapping into? It's got to be more than distraction and slight of hand. Thanks for your time.
A. When I tune into this the first things i hear are "He is a master of illusion, master of disguise and master of the mind." He has a deep intuition for people and knows how and what they think. It would be like doing a psychic reading for someone, tapping into their thoughts and using their thoughts to master an illusion. He is highly skilled and highly intuitive. I keep seeing snap shots of David Blaine as I focus on Dynamo (as if they work in a similiar fashion).

Dynamo also has certain things that he can perform for certain types of audiences because of how he does his magic. In some cases he has to have audience participation or someone from his "team" to assist (and then I get with a NDA signed).

I overall see him as a good person, loves people, likes to entertain and has a true gift of understanding people.

Love and light-

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Stoneage: An Era Of Realization

This Is A Work In Progress The Stone Age is a broad prehistoric period during which stone was widely used to make implements with a sharp edge, a point, or a percussion surface. Stone Age artifacts include tools used by modern humans and by their predecessors. Bone tools were used during this period as well but are rarely preserved in the archaeological record. Let’s be more appreciative of our Stone Age ancestors. They were some of the most industrious and innovative people ever to walk the...

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Ignoring Every Valid Study, Pope Announces Heterosexuals Make Better Parents

Oh, Pope. Pope. Pope. Pope. What the F, man? The day after Rome had a gay pride parade, Pope Francis decided to tell his throngs of followers that heterosexuals make better parents than homosexuals, and that children do better in homes where they have a man and woman watching over them. From a story in [Read More...]

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Universe Questions

Q. Hi Lynn, the reading you did on the 15th of April got me thinking and spurred a few big picture questions for me. I know that a current theory of the multiuniverse is that "it always was and always will be", which doesn't make sense to me. What was there before the multiverse even came to be? And what was there before that? Where did it all originate from? (And where did that which it originated from, originate from?) If we think of each universe being like a planet in a solar system, what would be considered the galaxy at that point? Or THAT universe? And when we say our universe is expanding, what is it expanding into? Im sure we. Could say "nothingness", but nothing IS something. It at the very least must take up space! And what encompasses that nothingness? I know this is a pretty complicated question, but its something I wonder about periodically. Any insights you may have would be wonderful!
A. When I first think about the Universe, and where did it come from, I get that it really "was and always will be." I then pose, What created it? and I get that "it has always been here, there is never a time in which it did not exist" then I hear that to ask where the Universe came from is like asking where the air came from- it is just there (may have changes in gas content or quality or toxicity) but some medium of air has always existed.

The universe does expand into nothingness.. This "nothingness" is infinite. As the universe grows it consumes the nothingness (then I hear the term "creep" as if the universe "creeps" into the nothingness and slowly consumes it.??).

And that is all I have so far.. Feel free to leave questions, and I will be happy to address them. Love and light-


Q. Hi Lynn, Will you please do a reading on Lucifer? He is called the Son of the Morning,
Bringer of Light… and for this reason, there are a number of people that feel new ageism is a satanic cult. I don't subscribe to new ageism, per se, but I do believe Light is the source of love and creation so I'm confused about all of this. Thank you!
A. When I tune into this I get that we have to remember that things are not always what they seem. I get that in the bible Lucifer is described as a fallen angel, but there is so much more to it. I get that labelling this being was a term created by humans , but is not reflective of what this being was doing..

Lucifer was a bringer of “light” or rather knowledge / enlightenment during a time when people were “figuring things out” and religion was prevailing as a way to explain the way of the world. I see there was a set path for people to follow, and bringing about knowledge (or “light”) did not fit into this way of thinking, so an example was made of this “light bringer” and he was banished. He was villainized and labeled as the “devil” (or “the evil”) and was sent to hell. It created fear in people that questioned religion because if you did not obey, you too could be sent to hell.

I do not see love or enlightenment as a cult, but rather a beautiful conscious shift that is growing. Many terms that are used are words we made up to describe things (we many times don’t understand), but are not reflective of the Universe. There is no bad, good, or evil.. All things just are, and the Universe works in balance (and contrast is necessary to understand the balance.)

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Busty Hentai Ass Pushes Out Egg

Busty Hentai Ass Pushes Out Egg

This sexy bitch really enjoyed her implantation many days ago, not the tentacle beasts are ready to have their eggs come back out so they can hatch. This is her 3rd week with the creatures, and she is starting to really enjoy the process of being mated and giving birth. Some tentacles from the 1st week are already starting mate her. She thought it awkward at first that her children were mating her. But then she remembered that this is a different species and it’s okay. Shes soon forgot that sort of thinking, and fully opens herself to her young to breed her further.

-Elli Sanders

Busty Hentai Ass Pushes Out Egg

The post Busty Hentai Ass Pushes Out Egg appeared first on Free Hentai Flash Porn Games.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Scheduled Meditation with a Weekly Focus

Hello everyone! I had a great idea submitted to me to hold a weekly meditation with the goal being to focus on one topic each week. Once you go into the meditation and feel yourself as being balanced, send healing, love and positive energy in that direction of that weeks focus. Collectively we can make a difference (and it is important that you realize and believe it!). Intent is everything!

I would like to set this up for 9 AM EST each Sunday for four consecutive Sundays. If you cannot join in at 9, join in when you can. Positive thoughts are always welcome whether you are meditating, riding in a car, or sitting quietly for a few moments at work.

Here is a schedule (that we can modify depending on comments that come in).. Let's start on June 21st in celebration of the summer solstice (when energy is already high).

June 21st: Focus on a collective conscious rise in vibration with a focus on togetherness, oneness and connectedness to each other. Realize we are all one.
June 28th: Take our oneness and use that strength to address any past karmatic issues or trauma housed in the oneness (crimes against humanity or other beings). Dismiss them and strengthen the bonds between all of us elevating our vibration along the way.
July 5th: Focus on healing the earth. We have all the resources we need to live, and when we continue to give back to the earth, it will continue to provide. We are surrounded with abundance. *On this same topic A Man Called Dada forwarded me an article regarding healing water. If we all took some time to do this (on a small or big scale), this could be a beautiful step in putting energy and healing into our water. I encourage you to read this and share it.
July 12th: Focus on banishing the effects of fear. See items causing fear (finances, politics, etc) as a statement of knowledge and learning, but disengage from the emotion (which just makes it stronger). Eventually these tactics become ineffective, and from there peace can begin to blossom.

I look forward to "seeing" you there. Love and light- Lynn

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Spirit Healers (Mr. Alfredo Luiz Di Palma Albarello)

Q. Hi Lynn, Could you please answer this question? As commented on your blog, this spirit healer (Mr. Alfredo Luiz Di Palma Albarello, age 50 to 60) falls sick for 3-4 days after each healing session. Could you possibly find the cause and if possible suggest some measures against it. He treats once every fortnight and tends up to 50 people (as far as I could observe). His sessions are free and as a special gift during his sessions a MD is present and prescribes the drugs recommended by the spirit (the drugs can be bought at a pharmacy of the patient's choice).

This is intriguing because John of God who is almost 73 years old, always treats for 3 days in a row each week (and has around 1000 patients/week). With John of God one has to buy his medicine, if he prescribes some.

BTW, I was present at yesterdays healing session and asked for permission to pose this question to you..
A. I get that Mr Albarello is extremely empathic and uses those skills to preform a form of reiki on his clients. Being empathic allows him to experience someone else's life (emotions, physical condition,etc) through his own person. I get that he does this intently, but never completely breaks away from his clients at the end of the healing (he remains attached so whatever ails them, will carry on and ail him until he goes through his 2-4 day cleanse that manifests as a sickness).

He could benefit from clearing himself quickly between clients, and then do an intense clearing at the end of a session. Carrying other peoples energy for extended times can really wear on a system (stress, fatigue, etc). In addition to clearing himself he can direct the energy he projects on to people in through his crown and out his hands and feet while he heals his own being.

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

Breeding Hentai Ritual Sexy Village Whore Pushes Out Large Monster Eggs

Breeding Hentai Ritual Sexy Village Whore Pushes Out Large Monster Eggs

Every month the monster village breeding vessel pushes another pile of eggs out! Once she is done the monsters then must inject new smaller fertile eggs inside of her so she can continue to increase their village size. Nothing better then being a breeding whore.

-Elli Sanders

Breeding Hentai Ritual Sexy Village Whore Pushes Out Large Monster Eggs

The post Breeding Hentai Ritual Sexy Village Whore Pushes Out Large Monster Eggs appeared first on Free Hentai Flash Porn Games.

Bruce / Caitlyn Jenner

Q. Its been difficult to not be aware of what's happening with Bruce Jenner since all the major news channels, newspapers and magazines have been highlighting his transition into a woman. I noticed in his interview with Diane Sawyer that something has happened to his left eye. It seems wonky now, like it has been injured. I cannot help but wonder if Bruce Jenner has been subjected to MK Ultra electrocution torture to program him to believe he wants to become a woman. Fritz Springmeier wrote about this years ago but I've noticed music videos often show bandaged eyed children and even teddy bears like in Jessie J's video for the song, Price Tag. Why does the media want everyone in America and the world to watch this unfold? Is it because Bruce Jenner (now Caitlyn Jenner) had a sex change because he really wanted to express his "true" gender, or it is just a part of a bigger agenda that the rest don't know? Your thoughts?
This link shows Bruce Jenner's eye:
A. I want to break this down into two parts... I will first put intent out regarding the eye...

I get that his eye and issues with his eye are surrounding nerve damage. The damage is tied to cosmetic procedures. I also get he is self conscious about it and tries to minimize his issues with his eye (and other facial features) with makeup.

Q. Is there an adgenda behind this?
A. I hear there is an adgenda and the media is gobbling is up. I get that Bruce / Caitlyn did want a sex change, but did NOT want it in the media in this way. I get she (I am referring to Caitlyn) didn't mind showing off her new self after she was done and had time to process what challenges she may face, but the trasition itself wasn't something appealing to her. I get an image of her coming out and saying "ta da" when it is done, but not along the journey.

Then I get the media approached this once Olympic icon / and tie to the popular Kardashian family because it made a good story. The approaching turned into harrassing until she finally agreed. The media kept spinning it as she was helping others going through this and she could be a idol to them, but there was more...

Q. What was the "more?"
A. I get the media likes to keep things in contraversy to dodge the bigger issues of the world. If people are talking and debating other people's personal lives (the entire reality tv is founded on this), then they aren't thinking of their own life and how to improve it. It makes light of the real issues of the world.

Then I get this conflict popping up as if there is an argument in my mind. Then I realize that the conflict is what they want us to have... It is great to support people and encourage people to be who they want to be (but not at their spiritual expense). Also, in the spiritual sense we are male, female, all things, so your physcial shell is truly irrelevant and this could be her path to make it feel right). Then, the perspective chimes in and says "Where are the wholesome family shows? Where are the shows that give boys an example of being a good dad?" People facing difficulties in their life path need support, but so do people that are the day to day norm, and that is what they are truly (intentionaly) neglecting.

Broken homes, people looking to fix things that may not be broken and materialism are things that make money (childcare, buying things). In the end, the adgenda is how to distract people and make money while doing so...

And that is all I have for this reading. Love and light-

Divorce and Custody Rights On A World Scale

This writing is a work in progress. Divorce (or the dissolution of marriage) is the termination of a marital union, the canceling and/or reorganizing of the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage, thus dissolving the bonds of matrimony between a married couple under the rule of law of the particular country and/or state.Child custody and legal guardianship are legal terms which are used to describe the legal and practical relationship between a parent and his or her child, such as...

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

September 2015: There are a lot of rumors....

Q. Hi, There has been some conversation on some websites I visit about the month of September 22-28th. but no one really knows what can happen in that timeframe. Could you do a session on these dates? Jade Helms supposedly finishes up Sept 15th. And I also read that the government knows something because the have planted assets all over the country. All this confrontations in the Middle East is in high gear to keep our eye off the ball. From what they are doing. Thanks in advance.
A. As I approach this reading the first thing I get is to take this in as expanding knowledge, and not as a way to focus on fear. Fear lends strength to the already lower consciousness, and by viewing this through the perspective of empowerment we can disengage from the negativity..

Then I get that the time lines have been shifted for quite some time. The dollar has been on the edge of collapse, silver has been suppressed and the dynamic of which we live has been altered. If things would have followed a natural progression, everything would have "reset" by now or at least been on the path to evolve into something else, but freewill is a powerful thing, and the Powers that Be have had dominant control over this. Then I hear that all things (both good and bad) have to come to an end, and the natural evolution of life involves births and deaths (some great, so minor) of events, people, ideas or even perceptions of reality in order to continue to grow and move on.

Q. I want to focus on the financial system... The intent behind the topic is: what is going to happen (big picture)?
A. I see China taking the lead. They are going to push for a gold backed system that they control. I see a huge push for the sale of oil and other important items being made in terms of gold (or at least an attempt to do so), and at the point the already brewing friction in the middle east will escalate. The term ISIS will be even more brought about so the US can have a erason to be there with troops on the ground to guard resources and have a presence (they want to make sure they can work out a deal to maintain access to this resources regardless of what monetary system the rest of the world has to use).

Silver looks to go up, but still not true to value... Something (some force of freewill out there) still suppresses it until later in the year (I ALWAYS see Christmas trees when I focus on this as if it will happen, but it will be winter when it does). When the happens the stock market game will also be over, and I still see this being played for a while until the key players have all their "chess pieces" in alignment.

Q. Will disclosure be a part of this?
A. I see that disclosure has been talked about and wanted for a long time (as if our collective subconscious knows the truth and we are just begging to have it be confirmed at the conscious level). I see other countries doing it, but the US resists claiming to do so in the name of protecting people. I get it is really because some big religious groups are using their influence to hold this back because disclosure really contradicts some of the belief systems out there and challenges the credibility of the church.

Q. Does Jade Helm have anything to do with the this?
A. Yes, Jade Helm is an "exercise" that allows a lot of strategic work to happen with an excuse for why it is happening. The government fully expects chaos when people see these changes taking place. I also see that Russia and China will view the US as vulnerable once the breakdown of systems starts to occur. Jade Helm is being used to plot their defensive maneuvers.

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

Friday, June 5, 2015


Q. Good day Lynn! Are people who have similar or identical birth marks connected spiritually in some way i.e. come from the same soul family? Also, I heard birth marks are results of injuries from pass lives, is that the case?
A. I don't see this as a spiritual connection to each other, but more like a spiritual connection in relationship to past experiences and current lessons based on where their paths are taking them (experienced similar deaths, working through similar karmatic issues). Similar life paths running parallel, but not necessarily tied to each other. I do see that birthmarks are related to past life trauma or a past life karma to that individual soul.

I first get an image of a person that died due to several bee stings, and in this life they had a strawberry birthmark covering covering most of their upper right arm. They also have a phobia of bees, with no rational reason why (not allergic and have never been stung).

Then I get the image of a person being chased by dogs or wolves, and they were attacked. In their current life they they have a birthmark in the shape of a dog. It is as if the trauma was "stamped" on them and until they rid themselves of it, they will have a similar marking in each next life.

Another person I see died from a bullet wound to the chest, and even though they were not born with a birthmark, they developed one (it came out) when they were in their twenties. (Then I am told that technically may not be called a "birthmark", but is a marking relating to a past life).

The examples keep rolling in my mind of how psychical markings you have now can tell a story of who you are, and even explain some irrational fears.

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Am I My Brother's Keeper?

"AM I MY BROTHER'S KEEPER?" That question is known to come from Genesis 4:9. This is perhaps one of the more thought-provoking questions in the Bible and is one asked by Cain: Cain had killed his brother because God had accepted Abel's offering, but not his own*.* When the Lord inquired concerning Abel, Cain's response was:"Am I my brother's keeper?" This is a question we would do well to ask ourselves today...Are we our brother's keeper? Do we have a responsibility to watch out for and care...