London Hammer: When I saw this image, I stopped to tune into it. I get that when ETs came here (thousands and thousands, even millions year ago) they were here even before the dinosaurs. They (through their scientific genetic engineering) created all the life using their own DNA samples as the base.
The goal for some ETs was to create a civilization that they could coexist with, (breed, learn, create) while other ETs had ulterior motives of creating slaves to do the "menial" work they themselves were doing- it was like they were creating their own hierarchy of importance. (The new beings were the workers and automatically a lower class.) This hammer belonged to one of the workers created out of later species of ETs (I see this being as a one-eyed giant).

Baghdad Battery: This was a very well thought-out and yet simple form of a battery. I actually want to use the word capacitor (?) rather than battery. I see a vinegar being made (some kind of fermented apple juice- the way you would make apple cider vinegar) put in the metal cylinder, and a baking soda / water mixture being put in the "vase." There is a coiled wire (that looks to be missing from this picture) wrapped around the metal rod and poking outward to the sky. Once the wire is wrapped around the rod, the rod would be placed in the apple vinegar container, and then the apple vinegar container would be placed into the baking soda/water being held by the vase. Once they were in position, there was a metal wire "jumpering" the apple juice to the baking soda concoction (same wire with one end poked in the metal cylinder and the other poked into the vase). A charge could be introduced into the "battery" by the coiled wire that extended outward, and the discharge also occurred through that same coiled wire. I see these (more than one, not sure how many are found) sitting on a high surfaces (pyramids??) to try to extract both static electricity and electricity (the old fashioned way) into these batteries. Once charged if they removed the "jumpering" wires they could transport the battery safely, but the "jumpering" need to be replaced to complete the discharge and extract the electricity.
Coral City of Nan Madol: When I first tune into this I get the image of a grocery store. Then I get that this place was created because it was a depot of sorts. Trade occurred here, and they also had things (like herbs and food) that were sold / bartered as well. I see this island as full of life and people were constantly coming and going (there were water crafts?? looks like ships even then??).

At first these ships would stop and do their trade on the island, but the islanders did not like the feeling of "outside" people on the island. They were prosperous with the trade, but did not like the environment (I hear it was turning into a tourist attraction??). As a result this City was built in the water. It kept the trade and life thriving, but the land itself didn't have this "tainted" feeling of the constant travelers. It created a neutral zone to do their business, while their land stayed pure.
And that is all I have for this reading. As I think more about this article, if things come to me I will be sure to update this post. Love and light-
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