A. As I tune into this, I am taken back to where the mission itself was being organized. I see flashes of the show "The Last Ship" with a focus on the scientist that is there doing research and compiling information unbeknownst to the crew (they didn't know what she was doing or who she was working for). I get the SS Ourang Medan also had a mission within a mission, and there was a hidden component of the underlying mission in which the majority of the ship was unaware (and my impression is that it is in their best interest NOT to know). .
Q. What was the mission?
A. It is first coming to me that it was some kind of artifact that was found. Then I get the image of a group of people finding this "object" while digging in a thin layer of fossilized material- this group then proceeds to slowly dig out the item (as if if was an archaeological dig- very slowly and delicately), but then realize it is a modern looking piece of equipment. It looks like they first thought it was some kind of fossil (because of depth and appearance), but when it was removed from the earth it was a modern "thing" buried like a fossil...?? (Then I get the best way to understand this is to imagine digging in the ground, finding something strange, your think you have discovered a fossil and then realize it is some kind of technologically advanced item that you have never seen and realize it has been there for hundreds or thousands of years).
Then I go a little deeper and realize that when these "locals" uncovered this "modern device" they kept it very quiet, and wanted to use this as some kind of trade / barter or sell for a large sum of money. I see that they felt confident that they stumbled upon a piece of ET technology or proof- lit has the look of a downed UFO ship. It looks like the real mission of this ship was to get this UFO to a profitable destination.
Q. What happened on the trip?
A. I see the boat traveling, and I keep wanting to look at the sky. I get that what happened came from above rather than below. Then I see that by moving this ET ship some kind of GPS system activated. When the ship was in the earth, it was dormant or non-functioning, but when it was moved (and somehow the water magnified the signal) it triggered something from above.

Some frantic messages left the boat, but for the most part this happened quick- There were no words to really describe what was happening, and I get the messages were short and a little disconnected. Fear and panic surrounded this ship.
Q. What caused the explosion that sunk the SS Ourang Medan?
A. I get that after the people on board the ship were killed, the ETs searched the boat and found the UFO craft in the cargo area. They tried to activate the UFO ship, but it was not operable (able to fly). When they realized that the UFO would not work, and there were no other ETs on the ship, the ETs left (I see them teleport to their ship that was hovering above the SS Ourang Medan).
At the moment they left, rescue boats showed up and witnessed this sight. It was at this exact moment that the ETs from above activated a "self destruct" feature within the inoperable UFO on the ship. I get they did not want their technology in what they felt were the wrong hands, and did not want humans to possess that type of knowledge. My impression of the energy behind this feels that it came from a selfish place rather than for reasons involving the greater good--- When this UFO ship self destructed, it created the explosion that sunk the SS Ourang Medan.
Q. What ET race was responsible?
A. This race has very negative feelings tied to it... It has a reptilian "feel" to it, but even more intense. Reptilians reside on the earth's surface, and slightly below, but this species that came down is based in the sky. Then it comes to me that some of the higher reptilians (more powerful) escaped earth to further preserve their race (I want to use the term Archon) and created an ET made based near the moon (if you were to look at the moon they would be stationed at the 2:00 position). It was this sky based group that came down to the SS Ourang Medan.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
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