Q. Does this article look accurate, and what are these giant spheres doing here?
A. As I looked at this, what David Wilcock states resonates as true. (I mentioned this on a comment earlier today...) What I get is the spheres are the shield surrounding ships that are carrying the necessary material (genetic and physical) to create life within our solar system. I get an image of a scene on Superman in which everyone was fleeing Krypton to find a survival location- in this case that survivable location is within our own solar system.

The Cabal is scared as this threatens everything they have built over the years. The Cabal knows they cannot win, and are tying every tactic to spread lower vibrational energy (to keep us down as long as possible). I see some kind of anxiety and desperation behind this- there is a new flavor of fear constantly- war, terror, ISIS, viruses, Ebola, Flu, false flags, etc... They have to "re-juice" the feelings of fear as soon as one loses it's impact. I get that they want us to argue among ourselves to distract from the bigger (universal) issues. It is critical for the Cabal to survive, we must be suppressed..
Q. Are these ETs hostile?
A. No, the Cabal just wants us to think they are. If we fear them, that helps to strengthen the lower vibrational force. They feel advanced and vibrationally much higher than humans. They want to help in creating the energetic shift to upgrade earth to a 4D or 5D planet (which is like their home planet and also unsurvivable to the lower level beings.)
Q. What will happen to the lower level beings if they can't survive on earth?
A. I get a message that they cannot survive on earth, but can survive "in" earth.. They will either burrow deep or be forced to leave.
Q. How do these Avian ETs relate to the Cat and Dog Humanoid ETs?
A. I get this "sphere" shielding houses not only Avian ETs, but Cat and Dog Humanoid ETs too.. There has been an enormous unification of forces aligning to help "reset" this solar system. I get the analogy that earth was like a toy that was played with, and then put aside and forgotten, to later be rediscovered. Now it needs cleaned and polished to bring it back to its' natural state and true potential.
We do have the power to regain the planet by elevating our consciousness. Educate yourself, focus on the unity in the universe and truly listen to your gut. Realize fear is just fear, and let it go rather than absorb it.
Link to previous reading regarding fireballs and UFOs in the sky: http://psychicfocus.blogspot.com/2015/03/fireballs-downed-ufos-what-is-going-on.html
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