Monday, March 30, 2015
Devotion To The Divinity Within
Devotion is a feeling of strong love or loyalty and is the quality of being devoted. We also use the word devotion to "devote" the use of time, money, energy, etc., for a specific purpose. The feeling of devotion is also to carry our esteem for the object of our prayers and worship into everyday practice and beyond a one day a week experience. From this I build this article that I call "Devoted To The Divinity Of Inner Life." This devotion to the deity of our soul is a love and loyalty that...
Sunday, March 29, 2015
SS Ourang Medan (Ghost Ship)
Q. Hi Lynn, thank You! Although there's no picture left from this ship could you possibly comment on the fate of this vessel's crew? In June 1947 a dutch flagged merchant ship named SS Ourang Medan experienced a very uncommon fate while in the strait of Malacca --> frantic Morse Code messages were received from the Dutch freighter Ourang Medan. The message was received by many ships and several responded. The message reported ‘All officers including captain are dead lying in chartroom and bridge. Possibly whole crew dead.’ A second message was received shortly after, this time a voice over the radio simply stating ‘I die’. Dutch and British listening posts were able to triangulate the position and vector a rescue attempt to the Ourang Medan. After several hours the Silver Star the arrived on scene. After failed attempts to hail the vessel using whistle signals and flashing lights. they assembled a small team and boarded the apparently undamaged Ourang Medan. They first ventured to the bridge where a radio was playing, several members of the Ships’ Company, including the Captain, were found dead, more corpses were discovered on the Cargo Deck including a dog standing on all four legs, frozen and snarling into thin air. No survivors were found on board, but what was most disturbing was the nature of the bodies, all frozen in place looking up towards the sun, their arms outstretched, mouths gaping, and a look of immense horror on all their faces. A trip to the communications room revealed the author of the SOS messages, also dead, his hand still on the Morse sending key, eyes wide open and teeth bared. Strangely, there was no sign of wounds or injuries on any of the bodies. The crew of the Silver Star attempted to enter the Cargo Bay but a small explosion from an unknown source soon resulted in an uncontrollable inferno. Beaten back, they were forced to abandon the vessel and return to the safety of the Silver Star. Within minutes the vessel sank to the depths of the ocean floor. Although there are no clear records of a ship by the name Ourang Medan existing, many conspiracy theorists believe the vessel was acting under a false name and was transporting something that ‘officially’ did not exist. The fate of the Ourang Medan and her crew remain a mystery. Speculation has been made that pirates killed the crew and sabotaged the ship, although this doesn’t explain the peculiar grimaces and lack of injuries on the corpses. Others have claimed that clouds of methane or other noxious natural gases could have bubbled up from fissures on the sea bed and engulfed the ship. Even more fantastical theories involving aliens and ghosts abound. Thanks again!
A. As I tune into this, I am taken back to where the mission itself was being organized. I see flashes of the show "The Last Ship" with a focus on the scientist that is there doing research and compiling information unbeknownst to the crew (they didn't know what she was doing or who she was working for). I get the SS Ourang Medan also had a mission within a mission, and there was a hidden component of the underlying mission in which the majority of the ship was unaware (and my impression is that it is in their best interest NOT to know). .
Q. What was the mission?
A. It is first coming to me that it was some kind of artifact that was found. Then I get the image of a group of people finding this "object" while digging in a thin layer of fossilized material- this group then proceeds to slowly dig out the item (as if if was an archaeological dig- very slowly and delicately), but then realize it is a modern looking piece of equipment. It looks like they first thought it was some kind of fossil (because of depth and appearance), but when it was removed from the earth it was a modern "thing" buried like a fossil...?? (Then I get the best way to understand this is to imagine digging in the ground, finding something strange, your think you have discovered a fossil and then realize it is some kind of technologically advanced item that you have never seen and realize it has been there for hundreds or thousands of years).
Then I go a little deeper and realize that when these "locals" uncovered this "modern device" they kept it very quiet, and wanted to use this as some kind of trade / barter or sell for a large sum of money. I see that they felt confident that they stumbled upon a piece of ET technology or proof- lit has the look of a downed UFO ship. It looks like the real mission of this ship was to get this UFO to a profitable destination.
Q. What happened on the trip?
A. I see the boat traveling, and I keep wanting to look at the sky. I get that what happened came from above rather than below. Then I see that by moving this ET ship some kind of GPS system activated. When the ship was in the earth, it was dormant or non-functioning, but when it was moved (and somehow the water magnified the signal) it triggered something from above.
I get at the moment of the "attack" on the ship a UFO presented itself above the ship to try to retrieve its' property (or ETs that may be tied to the cargo). I see an ET walking on board and approaching the captain (and people that looked in control) first and mentally asking them for their property, what they are doing and where are the ETs that were aboard the UFO they were transporting- fear and shock took over and those people were unable to respond. The ETs then began pointing at people and with a simple thought the people on the ship would levitate upward (laying flat on their back with their stomach elevated higher than the rest of them as if a string was tied to them at their belly button) [NOTE: Their position is very similar to the picture I put on here.] and then they fall straight down to the ground. It looks like as they floated up in this levitated state the life force separated from them and continued to float upwards (their soul left their body) and their physical body dropped to the ground like a shell. It happened fast and almost instantly.
Some frantic messages left the boat, but for the most part this happened quick- There were no words to really describe what was happening, and I get the messages were short and a little disconnected. Fear and panic surrounded this ship.
Q. What caused the explosion that sunk the SS Ourang Medan?
A. I get that after the people on board the ship were killed, the ETs searched the boat and found the UFO craft in the cargo area. They tried to activate the UFO ship, but it was not operable (able to fly). When they realized that the UFO would not work, and there were no other ETs on the ship, the ETs left (I see them teleport to their ship that was hovering above the SS Ourang Medan).
At the moment they left, rescue boats showed up and witnessed this sight. It was at this exact moment that the ETs from above activated a "self destruct" feature within the inoperable UFO on the ship. I get they did not want their technology in what they felt were the wrong hands, and did not want humans to possess that type of knowledge. My impression of the energy behind this feels that it came from a selfish place rather than for reasons involving the greater good--- When this UFO ship self destructed, it created the explosion that sunk the SS Ourang Medan.
Q. What ET race was responsible?
A. This race has very negative feelings tied to it... It has a reptilian "feel" to it, but even more intense. Reptilians reside on the earth's surface, and slightly below, but this species that came down is based in the sky. Then it comes to me that some of the higher reptilians (more powerful) escaped earth to further preserve their race (I want to use the term Archon) and created an ET made based near the moon (if you were to look at the moon they would be stationed at the 2:00 position). It was this sky based group that came down to the SS Ourang Medan.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
A. As I tune into this, I am taken back to where the mission itself was being organized. I see flashes of the show "The Last Ship" with a focus on the scientist that is there doing research and compiling information unbeknownst to the crew (they didn't know what she was doing or who she was working for). I get the SS Ourang Medan also had a mission within a mission, and there was a hidden component of the underlying mission in which the majority of the ship was unaware (and my impression is that it is in their best interest NOT to know). .
Q. What was the mission?
A. It is first coming to me that it was some kind of artifact that was found. Then I get the image of a group of people finding this "object" while digging in a thin layer of fossilized material- this group then proceeds to slowly dig out the item (as if if was an archaeological dig- very slowly and delicately), but then realize it is a modern looking piece of equipment. It looks like they first thought it was some kind of fossil (because of depth and appearance), but when it was removed from the earth it was a modern "thing" buried like a fossil...?? (Then I get the best way to understand this is to imagine digging in the ground, finding something strange, your think you have discovered a fossil and then realize it is some kind of technologically advanced item that you have never seen and realize it has been there for hundreds or thousands of years).
Then I go a little deeper and realize that when these "locals" uncovered this "modern device" they kept it very quiet, and wanted to use this as some kind of trade / barter or sell for a large sum of money. I see that they felt confident that they stumbled upon a piece of ET technology or proof- lit has the look of a downed UFO ship. It looks like the real mission of this ship was to get this UFO to a profitable destination.
Q. What happened on the trip?
A. I see the boat traveling, and I keep wanting to look at the sky. I get that what happened came from above rather than below. Then I see that by moving this ET ship some kind of GPS system activated. When the ship was in the earth, it was dormant or non-functioning, but when it was moved (and somehow the water magnified the signal) it triggered something from above.

Some frantic messages left the boat, but for the most part this happened quick- There were no words to really describe what was happening, and I get the messages were short and a little disconnected. Fear and panic surrounded this ship.
Q. What caused the explosion that sunk the SS Ourang Medan?
A. I get that after the people on board the ship were killed, the ETs searched the boat and found the UFO craft in the cargo area. They tried to activate the UFO ship, but it was not operable (able to fly). When they realized that the UFO would not work, and there were no other ETs on the ship, the ETs left (I see them teleport to their ship that was hovering above the SS Ourang Medan).
At the moment they left, rescue boats showed up and witnessed this sight. It was at this exact moment that the ETs from above activated a "self destruct" feature within the inoperable UFO on the ship. I get they did not want their technology in what they felt were the wrong hands, and did not want humans to possess that type of knowledge. My impression of the energy behind this feels that it came from a selfish place rather than for reasons involving the greater good--- When this UFO ship self destructed, it created the explosion that sunk the SS Ourang Medan.
Q. What ET race was responsible?
A. This race has very negative feelings tied to it... It has a reptilian "feel" to it, but even more intense. Reptilians reside on the earth's surface, and slightly below, but this species that came down is based in the sky. Then it comes to me that some of the higher reptilians (more powerful) escaped earth to further preserve their race (I want to use the term Archon) and created an ET made based near the moon (if you were to look at the moon they would be stationed at the 2:00 position). It was this sky based group that came down to the SS Ourang Medan.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Yummy Hot Sexy Teen Anime Slut
So, like I said, today is pretty much open bar here at the Global Village. Ask me anything you’d like and I will get back to you ^_^. 山本 … the Kanji in the back simply says Yamamoto. It’s combination between … Continue reading →
The post Yummy Hot Sexy Teen Anime Slut appeared first on Free Hentai Flash Porn Games.
Friday, March 27, 2015
Five Photos for Friday #6
Five for Friday #6
by Lynn & A Man Called Da-da
Hi, all. As usual, this session led to some serious eye-opening. Get ready.
Image #1: The OOPart in the Rock

What Lynn Saw
[Da-da then asked about Pangea, and how it was formed.]
Backstory: Da-da saw this online and no one knew what it was. Whatever it is, don't put your lips on it.
What Lynn Saw
"I keep seeing fused-together bulbs. Someone put these bulbs in a container and they all fused together. If you put this in the ground, it might grow a rare and exotic, Jurassic-looking plant, with huge pink/white flowers."
Image #3: Title: The Upside-down Flag on the Ten Dollar Bill

What Lynn Saw
Backstory: This object was found in Egypt. What did the Ancient Egyptians use it for? It’s labeled, “lamp” in the Cairo Museum. Was it a lamp, or a ceremonial chariot wheel? Electromagnetic fan? Ancient Frisbee?
What Lynn Saw
"I see a sharpened stick would stick out of this. I keep getting flashes of gladiators. It's a chariot wheel from Ancient Egyptian times [seen below], which would have a spike or spear sticking out of it, like in the movie "Gladiator."

What Lynn Saw
"I definitely get that the moon landing was faked. Every time I think of the moon landing I keep thinking of the song, "Californication," this one line: " might be the final frontier, but it's made in a Hollywood basement." These photos don't look legitimate. But there are real photos somewhere of them fabricating the moon landings. I see the moon landings done on a soundstage in Hollywood.

[Besides the quasi-secret base, all kinds of other things went down in the Hollywood Hills: the hippie and drug movements, and all the music of the ‘60s came out of Laurel Canyon right below this weird base. This entire building is now owned by Jared Leto... who's been looking a little MKULTRA'd, lately, in Da-da's humble opinion.]
And that's it. Hopefully your version of the world is still intact. Join us Friday after next for episode #7!
Monday, March 23, 2015
The Beatles and Paul McCartney (In Depth Q & A) Part I
Q. Hi Lynn, I love your work and would like to propose that you do an in depth focus reading on a topic you've touched on before look concerning the Beatles. Growing up in the sixties I was a big fan of the Beatles, but in the eighties I started to feel a very strong aversion to their music, as if they were my generation’s Michael Jackson as far as mass social programming goes, and I wanted to resist that programming I had been a part of. It is interesting that they were introduced to the US almost right on the heels of JFK’s murder. There is a theory that they were chosen and hoisted to fame in order to influence and shape their generation, but later rebelled from their assigned role and developed a more independent and evolved outlook which lead to them being dangerous and open to assassination.
The introduction of the Beatles initially was a huge rollout, complete with fake mobs of screaming girls trucked in to their concerts before they were even known and wall to wall playing of their songs on the radio and television. Was their introduction part of a social programming, and if so what was that purpose? Did they do the same thing with Elvis the decade before?
A. The first thing I get is the analogy of the Beetles being in that time what Walt Disney is to our youth now. Disney was once wholesome and entertainment for our younger people. It along with other media outlets have now turned into role models that portray parents that don't know anything, children encouraged to deal with issues above their maturity level, and a disrespect /breakdown of the family (then I hear to watch the programming of the Nick Jr. channel on tv sometime- iCarly and Victorious to name a few)
Then I get that what Disney (or the higher up Powers that Be) did to Hannah Montana (aka MIley Cyrus) is exactly what happened to the Beatles during their time. Wholesome, loving and fun music turned into something more...
I actually see two different paths happening at the time the Beatles were introduced to the US. In the first, kids and young adults are dancing, singing and being happy. They were drawn to the music because of how it made them feel. It was joyful. Then, something flipped - like overnight there was some kind of surge of drug use. The Beatles didn't cause this drug use, but the environment of a mass collection of people made it easier to introduce and spread. People would flock to see the Beatles, and when people were happy and dancing, rather than grab a drink (if they chose), they could get high- and I see the popularity and ease of access increasing.
Then I see the second path emerging- I see the media bringing attention to the Beatles and also the issue of drugs. The constant discussion of the both looks and feels more like advertising, which in turn made the problem worse. This joyful music that made people happy was starting to cause family issues (parents with their children)- and I hear a parent saying "this is because of that rock music you are listening to." In reality, it wasn't the music- it was the environment the music created and was exacerbated by the media.
As I type this I realize that the government had something to do with the introduction of drugs during this time- I see them seizing drugs from other countries and those drugs were filtered out to peddlers that started much of this usage at these concerts- the government was the problem (and the solution?). When I ask WHY, I get because at that time people were getting upset with the management of the government, there were too many questions, and they needed this (big) distraction- therefore the "drug" problem (that they created) in America was being blasted all over the media.
Q. I know you've already done a reading that said Paul’s death involved something embarrassing, but could you elaborate on specifically how did Paul die? Did he balk at something he was ordered to do? Was he killed, with the foreknowledge that he would be replaced?
A. I get that Paul considered leaving the group, going on his own or just completely going against the system. He could see what people were tying to the Beatles and it didn't make him feel good. He wanted to change the message in the lyrics or do something else to get them back to the good place that they were once in- but by this time they were in too deep and the controllers at the top would not allow it to happen (There is this feeling of being owned or indebted to someone else). When Paul rejected doing it- I see these "powers" getting angry and started to plot how to work around him.
Several things came into play to remove him from the group- a sex scandal, "accidental death," gambling situation gone bad, or their favorite idea- a drug overdose (supported the shift in the country and the youth would see this not as scary, but as the "Beatles" are doing it too). They knew they couldn't actually kill him with the drugs though, because the Beatles would be ever changed, so the best thing would be a silent death and replacement. [In my original reading I saw the gambling issue / situation coming forward as if that was the favorable way to deal with Paul, but as I dig into this much deeper, I see that isn't what they chose...].
Q. Embarrassing deaths happen often and it is common practice to fabricate a more socially acceptable cause of death, such as an illness, for public consumption rather than to pretend with an impostor the person never died. Such an elaborate scheme would certainly require government authorities to pull off which suggests the Beatles' role in social programming was too important to abruptly end. Some even suggested Paul’s death could have prompted massive suicides from a his grieving fans. Was the UK’s MI5 involved to the replacement and if so, how was he picked?
A. The UK was involved, but I also see the US being partnered with this as well. I get as soon as Paul started to show resistance to the agenda, they started to search for a double. I have an image of the replacement starting to make appearances before Paul's death just to see if he could fool the people. It was like Paul was being held (while alive) hostage while the impostor started to pose as Paul. Once the plan went off fairly well, they laid the real Paul to rest.
Q. Did the replacement have a prior relation with the Beatles and what was the process of him becoming Paul, particularly to be able to write music consistent with the original?
A. I get that he did not... I see that he wasn't even from the UK...? The sought him from a different country, and I get they found and started to mold him in Australia??? He semi looked like Paul, but he had talent- so they did a few minor plastic surgery procedures on him to reinforce his "Paul" appearance, and slowly introduced him to the people
Q. Is it true they went to India in an attempt to have Paul’s soul transferred into the replacement?
A. I cannot connect to that being done.
Q. How did they get away with the switch to the new Paul? Certainly lots of musicians, friends and press that accompanied the group must have noticed the switch and that this new guy had different eye color was 2 inches taller and wore false ears and had a more wooden personality? Did other feel a sense of danger to speak out or was there some sort of mass hypnosis in play?
A. I get a lot of people noticed it, and they were afraid to talk about it. (There were A LOT of whispers about it though). Everyone knew who was controlling the Beatles, and knew not to mess with them. (Then I hear that they knew not to speak up or they would end up like Joan Rivers...?)
Q. Charles Manson seemed to code is plan for the Tate Bianca murders after the Beatles' Helter Skelter. Was there some kind of frequency or coded message embedded in their music that had some subliminal effect on listeners, particularly Manson?
A. I thought for a while on that specific song, and I see Manson read something into that which was not there. He was in an altered state, or mental imbalance- and I get he heard voices. He was right in seeing the Beatles (as a whole energy) changing America, and he understood the overall agenda, but I don't see anything encoded or specific to that song..
And that is all I have for this portion of the reading. Thank you. Love and light-
The introduction of the Beatles initially was a huge rollout, complete with fake mobs of screaming girls trucked in to their concerts before they were even known and wall to wall playing of their songs on the radio and television. Was their introduction part of a social programming, and if so what was that purpose? Did they do the same thing with Elvis the decade before?
Then I get that what Disney (or the higher up Powers that Be) did to Hannah Montana (aka MIley Cyrus) is exactly what happened to the Beatles during their time. Wholesome, loving and fun music turned into something more...
I actually see two different paths happening at the time the Beatles were introduced to the US. In the first, kids and young adults are dancing, singing and being happy. They were drawn to the music because of how it made them feel. It was joyful. Then, something flipped - like overnight there was some kind of surge of drug use. The Beatles didn't cause this drug use, but the environment of a mass collection of people made it easier to introduce and spread. People would flock to see the Beatles, and when people were happy and dancing, rather than grab a drink (if they chose), they could get high- and I see the popularity and ease of access increasing.
Then I see the second path emerging- I see the media bringing attention to the Beatles and also the issue of drugs. The constant discussion of the both looks and feels more like advertising, which in turn made the problem worse. This joyful music that made people happy was starting to cause family issues (parents with their children)- and I hear a parent saying "this is because of that rock music you are listening to." In reality, it wasn't the music- it was the environment the music created and was exacerbated by the media.
As I type this I realize that the government had something to do with the introduction of drugs during this time- I see them seizing drugs from other countries and those drugs were filtered out to peddlers that started much of this usage at these concerts- the government was the problem (and the solution?). When I ask WHY, I get because at that time people were getting upset with the management of the government, there were too many questions, and they needed this (big) distraction- therefore the "drug" problem (that they created) in America was being blasted all over the media.
Q. I know you've already done a reading that said Paul’s death involved something embarrassing, but could you elaborate on specifically how did Paul die? Did he balk at something he was ordered to do? Was he killed, with the foreknowledge that he would be replaced?
A. I get that Paul considered leaving the group, going on his own or just completely going against the system. He could see what people were tying to the Beatles and it didn't make him feel good. He wanted to change the message in the lyrics or do something else to get them back to the good place that they were once in- but by this time they were in too deep and the controllers at the top would not allow it to happen (There is this feeling of being owned or indebted to someone else). When Paul rejected doing it- I see these "powers" getting angry and started to plot how to work around him.
Several things came into play to remove him from the group- a sex scandal, "accidental death," gambling situation gone bad, or their favorite idea- a drug overdose (supported the shift in the country and the youth would see this not as scary, but as the "Beatles" are doing it too). They knew they couldn't actually kill him with the drugs though, because the Beatles would be ever changed, so the best thing would be a silent death and replacement. [In my original reading I saw the gambling issue / situation coming forward as if that was the favorable way to deal with Paul, but as I dig into this much deeper, I see that isn't what they chose...].
Q. Embarrassing deaths happen often and it is common practice to fabricate a more socially acceptable cause of death, such as an illness, for public consumption rather than to pretend with an impostor the person never died. Such an elaborate scheme would certainly require government authorities to pull off which suggests the Beatles' role in social programming was too important to abruptly end. Some even suggested Paul’s death could have prompted massive suicides from a his grieving fans. Was the UK’s MI5 involved to the replacement and if so, how was he picked?
A. The UK was involved, but I also see the US being partnered with this as well. I get as soon as Paul started to show resistance to the agenda, they started to search for a double. I have an image of the replacement starting to make appearances before Paul's death just to see if he could fool the people. It was like Paul was being held (while alive) hostage while the impostor started to pose as Paul. Once the plan went off fairly well, they laid the real Paul to rest.
Q. Did the replacement have a prior relation with the Beatles and what was the process of him becoming Paul, particularly to be able to write music consistent with the original?
A. I get that he did not... I see that he wasn't even from the UK...? The sought him from a different country, and I get they found and started to mold him in Australia??? He semi looked like Paul, but he had talent- so they did a few minor plastic surgery procedures on him to reinforce his "Paul" appearance, and slowly introduced him to the people
Q. Is it true they went to India in an attempt to have Paul’s soul transferred into the replacement?
A. I cannot connect to that being done.
Q. How did they get away with the switch to the new Paul? Certainly lots of musicians, friends and press that accompanied the group must have noticed the switch and that this new guy had different eye color was 2 inches taller and wore false ears and had a more wooden personality? Did other feel a sense of danger to speak out or was there some sort of mass hypnosis in play?
A. I get a lot of people noticed it, and they were afraid to talk about it. (There were A LOT of whispers about it though). Everyone knew who was controlling the Beatles, and knew not to mess with them. (Then I hear that they knew not to speak up or they would end up like Joan Rivers...?)
Q. Charles Manson seemed to code is plan for the Tate Bianca murders after the Beatles' Helter Skelter. Was there some kind of frequency or coded message embedded in their music that had some subliminal effect on listeners, particularly Manson?
A. I thought for a while on that specific song, and I see Manson read something into that which was not there. He was in an altered state, or mental imbalance- and I get he heard voices. He was right in seeing the Beatles (as a whole energy) changing America, and he understood the overall agenda, but I don't see anything encoded or specific to that song..
And that is all I have for this portion of the reading. Thank you. Love and light-
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Friday, March 20, 2015
REMINDER Group Meditation Tonight
Hello everyone. Just a reminder that tonight is the group meditation! If you have a few minutes or longer, please join us. It starts at 6:45 PM EST.
The following link contains a link to some free meditation music (Thank you, Craig Howell!).
I also had someone new to meditation request some pointers, so I want to share some thoughts (feel free to piggyback on any of this in the comment section- we learn so much from each other :-)
The following link contains a link to some free meditation music (Thank you, Craig Howell!).

- Find a comfortable spot and position. You will need to be able to relax and stay relaxed.
- Set your intent. Think about what you want to accomplish prior to the meditation. For example, "I would like to have a deeper connection to the universal consciousness. I want to experience things only in the greater good of myself and others during this journey."
- Clear your mind and start to relax yourself- start with your feet and move upwards. (If you find your mind wandering and thoughts are invading, just clear you mind and go back to relaxing. Some people like quiet, some like music, some like to focus on a color or image- you do what feels right to you.
- Allow you subconscious to work- you may see nothing and be more in tune with emotion or you may see an image like a daydream- just go with it.
- When you feel your meditation is over, take a few cleansing breaths, and go about your day..
You may not get an answer right away, and that is ok! Often times within the next day or two you will have a moment or feeling of clarity- the universe may need a little time to allow things to align to make the answer "feel right."
Also, as long as you set good intentions, there really is no wrong way to do it- if something doesn't feel right, readjust what you are doing and try again. Different things work better for some than others, and like anything, experimenting and practice will make this a great experience.
I look forward to connecting with all of you tonight! Love and light-
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Astral Travel
Q. I tend to get stuck on parts of my spiritual development: - I do read on it, but when it comes to the next step of practising it, I hesitate to go further as you once said “you really have to watch the source of who is putting the info out there …. there are also people out there (reptilian based people) that subconsciously want to hold people back.” Hence my hesitation when I come across so many sources in Youtube about “How-To” on meditation, remote viewing, astral projection, chakras etc
From your Human Design and the Human Brain posting, you mentioned that there is no "rule" that one area cannot unlock before another. Does it mean that I don’t have to do meditation, chakra opening before I can try astral projection? Being a novice in this spiritual development, I would appreciate if you could write a small blog (if not, good sources/links to practice it) about astral projection. What I fear most is that we won’t be able to go back to our physical body if it’s being taken over by spirit while we do astral projection.
A. When I first focused on this, I asked myself about the order of operations, and while in some aspects it isn't critical, in order to astral travel there is a natural flow... I got that practicing astral travel (unless it is involuntary in your dreams) really does require a certain order, like learning to walk before you run.
Astral travel can be done in both a group session or privately. The process I see in my mind is that the person first states a mantra. It can be: "To have a protected and positive experience, request their guides to stay with them and allow everything that happens to be done in their greater good". They can even take it a step further and tell the universal consciousness or higher self where they want to go (if they know). The important thing is that they set their intent, and even though the words aren't right or wrong, incorporate an element of protection and their greater good into them.
Then, I see someone begin a meditation. They are taking a few deep breaths to allow a good oxygen exchange, quieting their mind and allowing their body to relax. Starting at their feet, they allow everything to go completely relaxed and then they work up toward the top of their body, relaxing it along the way. If they see their mind wandering into the "rational realm," they just take a small breath and refocus on quieting it back down and continue on with the relaxation.
Once they reach the top of their head (and feel relaxed), they focus on their chakras (while still relaxed)..starting at the root, moving upwards. I see this person visualizing the color tied to the chakra as they progress upward (red=root, etc..) Once they see the color light up like a traffic light, they know it is clear, balanced and can move up to the next chakra. After they move to the crown and see the violet light go off, they look slightly above the crown and visualize white light ( which is a combination of all colors). Then, they see that white light encapsulate their body.
At this fully balanced state (while they are still under protection and guidance from their original intent), and their physical body is still ultra relaxed, they "mentally" lift their energetic(spiritual) being up (feels like a disconnecting tug). As they do so, they visualize a tether attaching their spiritual being to their physical being (see it like a limitless cord, and allow it to reinforce security). They then see their body from a third person perspective and are free to explore.
When they are done, they mentally will themselves back, (they could also follow their tether). As they sync back up (physically and spiritually), I see a slight movement (or jerk) as if their energetic being suddenly felt the weight of the physical body. They take some deep cleansing breaths, and the experience is complete.
And that is all I have for this reading. Please feel free to share advice or help in the comments section- Some of you may want to experience astral travel during the group meditation tomorrow (3/20/15 at 6:45 PM EST). Love and light-
From your Human Design and the Human Brain posting, you mentioned that there is no "rule" that one area cannot unlock before another. Does it mean that I don’t have to do meditation, chakra opening before I can try astral projection? Being a novice in this spiritual development, I would appreciate if you could write a small blog (if not, good sources/links to practice it) about astral projection. What I fear most is that we won’t be able to go back to our physical body if it’s being taken over by spirit while we do astral projection.
A. When I first focused on this, I asked myself about the order of operations, and while in some aspects it isn't critical, in order to astral travel there is a natural flow... I got that practicing astral travel (unless it is involuntary in your dreams) really does require a certain order, like learning to walk before you run.
Astral travel can be done in both a group session or privately. The process I see in my mind is that the person first states a mantra. It can be: "To have a protected and positive experience, request their guides to stay with them and allow everything that happens to be done in their greater good". They can even take it a step further and tell the universal consciousness or higher self where they want to go (if they know). The important thing is that they set their intent, and even though the words aren't right or wrong, incorporate an element of protection and their greater good into them.
Then, I see someone begin a meditation. They are taking a few deep breaths to allow a good oxygen exchange, quieting their mind and allowing their body to relax. Starting at their feet, they allow everything to go completely relaxed and then they work up toward the top of their body, relaxing it along the way. If they see their mind wandering into the "rational realm," they just take a small breath and refocus on quieting it back down and continue on with the relaxation.

At this fully balanced state (while they are still under protection and guidance from their original intent), and their physical body is still ultra relaxed, they "mentally" lift their energetic(spiritual) being up (feels like a disconnecting tug). As they do so, they visualize a tether attaching their spiritual being to their physical being (see it like a limitless cord, and allow it to reinforce security). They then see their body from a third person perspective and are free to explore.
When they are done, they mentally will themselves back, (they could also follow their tether). As they sync back up (physically and spiritually), I see a slight movement (or jerk) as if their energetic being suddenly felt the weight of the physical body. They take some deep cleansing breaths, and the experience is complete.
And that is all I have for this reading. Please feel free to share advice or help in the comments section- Some of you may want to experience astral travel during the group meditation tomorrow (3/20/15 at 6:45 PM EST). Love and light-
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Religion Lost 7.5 Million Americans in Two Years—But Why?
Sometimes it seems like America is hemorrhaging religion. According to the 2014 General Social Survey, 7.5 million adults—about 3 percent of all adults in this country—severed religious ties between 2012 and 2014. Think of that. In 2012, these folks checked a box identifying their religious identity as “Protestant,” “Catholic,” “Jewish,” “Muslim,” — or some other religious group. Then, just two years later, [Read More...]
What is Going On with the Price of Silver???
Q. Do you still see a problem for the dollar this spring? A lot of us have silver ... Is it a foolish investment? Clif (High) often says its around the corner... (the rise of Silver) but the Powers that Be seem to be able to kick the can forever ?........
A. In previous readings I saw the price of silver rising during a time frame of Christmas 2014 to January 2015, so my question I am putting out there is, What happened and What is going on...?
As I tune into this I see a maze with a dollar sign at the end. As I watch the maze, the lines keep changing- as if the path to the dollar sign keeps changing. I see this "maze" representing what is going on with the time frame (path or silver) and the sequence of events that need to happen that lead up the the silver price reaching its' true value.
I see if the original timeline would have been left unaffected, and events would have evolved naturally, silver would be at its' true value now.
Q. What keeps changing the timeline?
A. People change it through acts of free will. Specifically people in power. When timelines for an event are laid out, many times what is seen is what happens naturally. When the act of free will constantly intervenes, the path to the end result gets altered. The maze to the dollar sign is still there, but the turns and challenges to get there are different.
Q. How is this system or timeline being altered?
A. There are a couple things going on... One, the people in power are trying to make their last bits of money before the system comes tumbling down. They are flooding the market with silver certificates (not tangible silver, but a promise for silver if you cash in your "certificate"). It gives the market a false sense of saturation, but in reality there isn't enough silver available (or willing to be disbursed) to honor the certificates. The people in power are buying real silver while the price is lower knowing that eventually this scheme will fail, and when silver is more true to value they will make a lot of return on their original investment.
The second thing I see is that the dollar cannot sustain as it currently stands. Not only does inflation hurt the value, I see an alliance being formed by other countries to phase the dollar out- I see the trade of certain items being based on gold and silver (undiluted forms of payment), and the dollar will not be accepted (this is happening soon- within the next 3 to 4 months). By the time this happens the powers that be will have done a huge shift in their personal portfolio to buy silver low with the dollar, and then make money of the silver when the price goes up- they did a conversion of one form of money for another (at it is their way to slowly dump the dollar).
It is as if the dollar was set to fail and the price of gold and silver were to rise- that was the fate. When that didn't happen, the universe guided this alliance of eastern countries to see that the path to the "end of the maze" gets reached (same result, but a different way to get there).
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. L&L-
A. In previous readings I saw the price of silver rising during a time frame of Christmas 2014 to January 2015, so my question I am putting out there is, What happened and What is going on...?
As I tune into this I see a maze with a dollar sign at the end. As I watch the maze, the lines keep changing- as if the path to the dollar sign keeps changing. I see this "maze" representing what is going on with the time frame (path or silver) and the sequence of events that need to happen that lead up the the silver price reaching its' true value.
I see if the original timeline would have been left unaffected, and events would have evolved naturally, silver would be at its' true value now.
Q. What keeps changing the timeline?
A. People change it through acts of free will. Specifically people in power. When timelines for an event are laid out, many times what is seen is what happens naturally. When the act of free will constantly intervenes, the path to the end result gets altered. The maze to the dollar sign is still there, but the turns and challenges to get there are different.
Q. How is this system or timeline being altered?
A. There are a couple things going on... One, the people in power are trying to make their last bits of money before the system comes tumbling down. They are flooding the market with silver certificates (not tangible silver, but a promise for silver if you cash in your "certificate"). It gives the market a false sense of saturation, but in reality there isn't enough silver available (or willing to be disbursed) to honor the certificates. The people in power are buying real silver while the price is lower knowing that eventually this scheme will fail, and when silver is more true to value they will make a lot of return on their original investment.
The second thing I see is that the dollar cannot sustain as it currently stands. Not only does inflation hurt the value, I see an alliance being formed by other countries to phase the dollar out- I see the trade of certain items being based on gold and silver (undiluted forms of payment), and the dollar will not be accepted (this is happening soon- within the next 3 to 4 months). By the time this happens the powers that be will have done a huge shift in their personal portfolio to buy silver low with the dollar, and then make money of the silver when the price goes up- they did a conversion of one form of money for another (at it is their way to slowly dump the dollar).
It is as if the dollar was set to fail and the price of gold and silver were to rise- that was the fate. When that didn't happen, the universe guided this alliance of eastern countries to see that the path to the "end of the maze" gets reached (same result, but a different way to get there).
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. L&L-
Monday, March 16, 2015
A ‘Religious’ Book U.S. Kids Aren’t Reading — But Should
A little over a years ago I interviewed British philosopher and author Julian Baggini, who wrote a fantastic book for kids called Really, Really, Big Questions about God, Faith and Religion (2011, Kingfisher). While I found it at my public library, it’s not one you’re likely to run across in major book stores. While very well-received in Britain, [Read More...]
Sunday, March 15, 2015
World Events [Group Post]
Q. There are several sources on the Internet that say, the Leadership of Israel is taking them on a self destructive/suicidal course. Many sources also state that the Jewish people and the others in that area of the world have special DNA that would hinder the control of them by the Reptilians when some of them shifted to a 4D earth.. Do you see any truth to this? It may help us understand why the leadership acts like it does... Thank You.
A. I get that the many of the leaders in that area of the world have created some kind of "false ego" within themselves. I take this to mean that they see themselves as bigger, stronger and untouchable no matter how much they provoke or discuss action plans than they really are. They cannot see themselves being harmed, as if the people around them are "not as good or have the ability to out-wit them." They have tunnel vision, and cannot comprehend the bigger picture of what is happening, or realize that other countries may not come to the rescue (I see the depend on this, expect it, and can't conceive the possibility of that not happening). Those ideas further reinforce the ego.. Then I get "a bully isn't so tough without having their friends standing behind them." Even though many people of Israel are Jewish, it has nothing to do with a religious preference- it is a way of thinking (a mental mindset).
I also get that people with this type of ego cannot ascend into a 4D earth. They feel unbalanced, and have much to learn. They will have to incarnate back into a 3D world to learn the energetic balance. Regarding reptilian control- this mindset the currently possess is caused by some activation of the reptilian brain, therefore, they are being already controlled and just don't realize it.

I also get that people with this type of ego cannot ascend into a 4D earth. They feel unbalanced, and have much to learn. They will have to incarnate back into a 3D world to learn the energetic balance. Regarding reptilian control- this mindset the currently possess is caused by some activation of the reptilian brain, therefore, they are being already controlled and just don't realize it.
Q. Can you do a reading for Mexico? What's in their future? Will the violence end?

At that point the poverty is evaluated and I see some kind of deal being made with the US- like the US owns part of the land (more like a rent?) in exchange for being able to put factories there (which employ Mexican citizens). The US doesn't want to officially own the land because it is subject to minimum wages laws, benefits, etc... but feels like a good trade for the citizens to help boost them up. The time frame I see for this type of growth and shift is within the next 8 to 10 years.
Q. I'd like to know about future disasters or something which will change Japan. I read that the big earthquake will occur around the north part of Japan. I worry that a tsunami will attack the south (south west) of Japan in the near future...
A. When I focus on Japan, the words "vulnerable and delicate" both come up.. Japan feels so weakened. I see Japan being hit with a lot of storms over the period of May through September this year (some feel "hurricane-like"). I don't see a tsunami, but I do see flooding. I also get that Japan has never been able to recover from Fukushima- environmentally, health or the factories themselves- every time there is an opportunity to make an improvement some kind of weather event prevents it. I also get a taste in my mouth, as if the pollution is unbearable to breathe (like you cannot get a breath of fresh air), but somehow people have gotten used to it.???
Q.Can you see whether we will at some point experience a drastic shift in the position of the poles, one that really upsets the earth (and all who are on it)? Also, in that vein, do you foresee that the earth could slow down even more (it is doing it now) until it stops, then reverses direction? Evidently this has happened before in our earth's history. Some postulated that this stopping point was the "three days of darkness" prophesied to happen. Or what do you see for the "there days of darkness" prophecy and how that would play out, if at all?
A. Right now we are having a tremendous "earth wobble" effect going on. As the earth dips down on one side and raises on the other, we experience extremes in temperature (it is further exacerbated by man made weather interference / HAARP that I have discussed in other readings.). There is another solar system (with our sister sun) effecting our outlying planets, and even though earth isn't as effected as they are, earth experiences fluctuations in her magnetosphere, and also the gravity nudges from this other system. I do not see a full "pole flop," but I do continue to see these gravitational nudges creating erratic wobbles, resulting in unexplained and unpredictable weather.
I do see earth slowing, and getting to where the days are longer (by about 30 minutes at its' peak). I also get we may have a brief moment that for a few days we rotate VERY slowly which could result in 3 days of darkness (on one side) and 3 days of light (other the other side). I cannot connect to a reversal in the rotation, but definitely a slowing, followed by a 24.5 hour daily rotation.
(Here is a link I previously shared illustrating the earth wobbling. Thank you Da-da for creating this!
Q. Dear Lynn: Thank you for continuing to broaden (my) world views. What is your take on girls joining ISIS? I was stricken with concern over the story about Shannon Conley being sentenced to jail but something struck me as odd about the story. I continued searching and the stories about girls going to Syria (easily) and again these stories strike me as odd.....Are we being told the truth? Is social media really to blame? It seems that all governments know about everything on the internet so they could just shut down ISIS media, yet they do not (not that I want the internet censored but it is already occuring). Is there a connection to these stories which seem similar but are happening across the world? Are other countries carrying these same stories or are they for the US/UK citizens specifically? Thank you for the (en)light(enment). Warm wishes.
A. The first thing I get when I tune into ISIS, is that this organization is based on propaganda and fear. The real threat comes from the people creating ISIS, not from ISIS itself (it is just a name). When I hear the news talking about "ISIS" I always felt there was something to the name itself- some kind of subliminal message, and it came to me in a conversation- when our media is talking (advertising and giving attention to ISIS), it is as if they are saying "Is Us"- subtly telling the truth..
People in power created this "thing" as a way to evoke fear, exhibit control and give an excuse to execute false flags. I get there is no more of a reason to fear these girls going to "ISIS" than there is to fear an "Ebola, Flu, Shingles, Measles outbreak- those headlines barely exist anymore." Then I hear, "they have a good story, and they are sticking to it." ISIS exists in order to give people in power and excuse to occupy land close to oil, take advantage of what resources are there and serve as a convenient patsy..
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
I do see earth slowing, and getting to where the days are longer (by about 30 minutes at its' peak). I also get we may have a brief moment that for a few days we rotate VERY slowly which could result in 3 days of darkness (on one side) and 3 days of light (other the other side). I cannot connect to a reversal in the rotation, but definitely a slowing, followed by a 24.5 hour daily rotation.
(Here is a link I previously shared illustrating the earth wobbling. Thank you Da-da for creating this!
Q. Dear Lynn: Thank you for continuing to broaden (my) world views. What is your take on girls joining ISIS? I was stricken with concern over the story about Shannon Conley being sentenced to jail but something struck me as odd about the story. I continued searching and the stories about girls going to Syria (easily) and again these stories strike me as odd.....Are we being told the truth? Is social media really to blame? It seems that all governments know about everything on the internet so they could just shut down ISIS media, yet they do not (not that I want the internet censored but it is already occuring). Is there a connection to these stories which seem similar but are happening across the world? Are other countries carrying these same stories or are they for the US/UK citizens specifically? Thank you for the (en)light(enment). Warm wishes.
A. The first thing I get when I tune into ISIS, is that this organization is based on propaganda and fear. The real threat comes from the people creating ISIS, not from ISIS itself (it is just a name). When I hear the news talking about "ISIS" I always felt there was something to the name itself- some kind of subliminal message, and it came to me in a conversation- when our media is talking (advertising and giving attention to ISIS), it is as if they are saying "Is Us"- subtly telling the truth..
People in power created this "thing" as a way to evoke fear, exhibit control and give an excuse to execute false flags. I get there is no more of a reason to fear these girls going to "ISIS" than there is to fear an "Ebola, Flu, Shingles, Measles outbreak- those headlines barely exist anymore." Then I hear, "they have a good story, and they are sticking to it." ISIS exists in order to give people in power and excuse to occupy land close to oil, take advantage of what resources are there and serve as a convenient patsy..
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Friday, March 13, 2015
Your Home Has Been Stolen
When I was growing up, the native people of the land where I lived were invisible to me. They were represented by museum displays as curiosities of the past. They were described as a subject for study by archaeologists. I never even realized that there were still Ohlone people living in the area.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Unexplained Artifacts
I had a private request sent to me to look at some of the objects found at the following link (the entire article is very interesting!)... As I looked them over, I had some that really stood out to me. other/most-amazing- unexplained-artifacts/
London Hammer: When I saw this image, I stopped to tune into it. I get that when ETs came here (thousands and thousands, even millions year ago) they were here even before the dinosaurs. They (through their scientific genetic engineering) created all the life using their own DNA samples as the base.
The goal for some ETs was to create a civilization that they could coexist with, (breed, learn, create) while other ETs had ulterior motives of creating slaves to do the "menial" work they themselves were doing- it was like they were creating their own hierarchy of importance. (The new beings were the workers and automatically a lower class.) This hammer belonged to one of the workers created out of later species of ETs (I see this being as a one-eyed giant).

Baghdad Battery: This was a very well thought-out and yet simple form of a battery. I actually want to use the word capacitor (?) rather than battery. I see a vinegar being made (some kind of fermented apple juice- the way you would make apple cider vinegar) put in the metal cylinder, and a baking soda / water mixture being put in the "vase." There is a coiled wire (that looks to be missing from this picture) wrapped around the metal rod and poking outward to the sky. Once the wire is wrapped around the rod, the rod would be placed in the apple vinegar container, and then the apple vinegar container would be placed into the baking soda/water being held by the vase. Once they were in position, there was a metal wire "jumpering" the apple juice to the baking soda concoction (same wire with one end poked in the metal cylinder and the other poked into the vase). A charge could be introduced into the "battery" by the coiled wire that extended outward, and the discharge also occurred through that same coiled wire. I see these (more than one, not sure how many are found) sitting on a high surfaces (pyramids??) to try to extract both static electricity and electricity (the old fashioned way) into these batteries. Once charged if they removed the "jumpering" wires they could transport the battery safely, but the "jumpering" need to be replaced to complete the discharge and extract the electricity.
Coral City of Nan Madol: When I first tune into this I get the image of a grocery store. Then I get that this place was created because it was a depot of sorts. Trade occurred here, and they also had things (like herbs and food) that were sold / bartered as well. I see this island as full of life and people were constantly coming and going (there were water crafts?? looks like ships even then??).

At first these ships would stop and do their trade on the island, but the islanders did not like the feeling of "outside" people on the island. They were prosperous with the trade, but did not like the environment (I hear it was turning into a tourist attraction??). As a result this City was built in the water. It kept the trade and life thriving, but the land itself didn't have this "tainted" feeling of the constant travelers. It created a neutral zone to do their business, while their land stayed pure.
And that is all I have for this reading. As I think more about this article, if things come to me I will be sure to update this post. Love and light-
London Hammer: When I saw this image, I stopped to tune into it. I get that when ETs came here (thousands and thousands, even millions year ago) they were here even before the dinosaurs. They (through their scientific genetic engineering) created all the life using their own DNA samples as the base.
The goal for some ETs was to create a civilization that they could coexist with, (breed, learn, create) while other ETs had ulterior motives of creating slaves to do the "menial" work they themselves were doing- it was like they were creating their own hierarchy of importance. (The new beings were the workers and automatically a lower class.) This hammer belonged to one of the workers created out of later species of ETs (I see this being as a one-eyed giant).

Baghdad Battery: This was a very well thought-out and yet simple form of a battery. I actually want to use the word capacitor (?) rather than battery. I see a vinegar being made (some kind of fermented apple juice- the way you would make apple cider vinegar) put in the metal cylinder, and a baking soda / water mixture being put in the "vase." There is a coiled wire (that looks to be missing from this picture) wrapped around the metal rod and poking outward to the sky. Once the wire is wrapped around the rod, the rod would be placed in the apple vinegar container, and then the apple vinegar container would be placed into the baking soda/water being held by the vase. Once they were in position, there was a metal wire "jumpering" the apple juice to the baking soda concoction (same wire with one end poked in the metal cylinder and the other poked into the vase). A charge could be introduced into the "battery" by the coiled wire that extended outward, and the discharge also occurred through that same coiled wire. I see these (more than one, not sure how many are found) sitting on a high surfaces (pyramids??) to try to extract both static electricity and electricity (the old fashioned way) into these batteries. Once charged if they removed the "jumpering" wires they could transport the battery safely, but the "jumpering" need to be replaced to complete the discharge and extract the electricity.
Coral City of Nan Madol: When I first tune into this I get the image of a grocery store. Then I get that this place was created because it was a depot of sorts. Trade occurred here, and they also had things (like herbs and food) that were sold / bartered as well. I see this island as full of life and people were constantly coming and going (there were water crafts?? looks like ships even then??).

At first these ships would stop and do their trade on the island, but the islanders did not like the feeling of "outside" people on the island. They were prosperous with the trade, but did not like the environment (I hear it was turning into a tourist attraction??). As a result this City was built in the water. It kept the trade and life thriving, but the land itself didn't have this "tainted" feeling of the constant travelers. It created a neutral zone to do their business, while their land stayed pure.
And that is all I have for this reading. As I think more about this article, if things come to me I will be sure to update this post. Love and light-
Collective Consciousness Meditation and Focus on Positive Energy 3/20/15

Love and light-
Friday, March 6, 2015
Pedophiles and Helping These Kids Get Home
Even though this is rather dark and disturbing... this is a serious topic that can use our positive energy.. I would also suggest that anyone that proceeds into this protect yourself with some cleansing breaths and positive intent... Having said that...
Q. Hi Lynn, Could you look into another pedophile horror story? Alisa and Gabriel are brother and sister. Alisa is 9 and her brother Gabriel is 8. They are the children of an English father and Russian mother and have lived in the Hampstead area of London for most of their lives. Recently some recordings on video of interviews with Alisa and Gabriel landed on the net. The kids described in great detail the abuse their father lead them into – a pedophile ring – which included their father, other children and their parents, teachers at their school, authorities and others, violence and sacrificing and eating of babies who were bought into the country by members of the ring. The kids spoke in a very descriptive, open, and frank manner about their abuse. It is heart wrenching listening to them. Many of the videos have been taken off the net now. The children have been taken into care. The mother is desperate to re-unite with them and her parents want to take the family back to Russia for a new beginning. The following are some interviews with active links (for now)...
Then, Anonymous exposed all the details of sexual abuse in Christ Church school, including names, email and addresses; 2015/02/22/anonymous-leaks- satanic-cult-member-names- places-phone-s/.
(If anyone wants to help these kids get back with their Mother I found a link where you can sign a petition at: - )
These are the questions I have for Lynn: How many pedophiles are there out there? We rarely used to hear about them, but it seems now they are out there in droves. Are they ‘just reptilians’? Are they low energy beings that keep coming back? Some type of Vampire? Do they ever ‘die’ forever? Do they leave kids behind with this stuff in their DNA? And really how come they can take over a whole area in England including a school, the teachers, the fathers, the Powers that Be, etc. Seems to be that they are covered and protected by the govt and police force – (because they participate too)? Cheers
A. The best we to approach this is to digest the situation and break down the question... I will first look at how many groups we are talking about, and where they are.. I get this behavior happens everywhere (all over the world)- it always has, and always will. As I try to see How or better yet, Why, it is coming to me that before there were true civilizations or societies our primal brain didn't have rules on sex or treatment of kids. As societies were created, those rules were created too in order for us to live together in a safe and cohesive environment. Before these rules, in a more ancient time, if you wanted sex, you had it- there were age (or gender, racial, etc) restrictions. People operated in survival, reproductive and basic instinct mode. Then I see a neanderthal man saying "food- eat" in the most basic of primal thoughts. From our current perspective we see this type of life ranging from simple and unrestrictive, to quite barbaric depending on the group of people and event being witnessed. It was a different time, and a different way of thinking.
These people that participate in this lifestyle now are "stuck" in that mental thinking of an ancient time. There is a reptilian piece of their brain activated that is applying ideas of a virtually prehistoric time into todays' society. It is further compounded by the amount of money made because people that participate will pay enormous amounts of money. They feel shame in this practice, but there is some psychological piece of their minds that won't let them stop. Then I hear this analogy that these people have the "minds of cavemen, living in a current time." They have never evolved (mentally or spiritually) and still run on this "reptilian" mind. I also get that if you did an MRI on these people you would see their thought patterns reside mainly in their reptilian brain at the base of the head...??
They aren't true reptilians, but are controlled by the reptilian part of their brain. Their actions and their lower vibrations do aid and represent the "true ET reptilians." These actions and ways of thinking (lower vibrations) support and help the Reptilian agenda..
I get they are able to thrive in England because the monarchy provides huge clientele..?? They feel protected and insulated there. There is a sense of being protected and insulated there. I get that many people are bribed to turn away and there is an element of secrecy.
I also see that these lower level beings keep reincarnating in a cycle- they don't ascend. It looks like a loop of tormentor and victim over and over. BUT, once earth is able to shift to a higher frequency (higher dimension), these beings will no longer be able to survive. I get an image of them holding the sides of their heads yelling as if the vibration hurts them and they can't stand it. They are driven underground or away when this happens.
Q. Hi Lynn, Could you look into another pedophile horror story? Alisa and Gabriel are brother and sister. Alisa is 9 and her brother Gabriel is 8. They are the children of an English father and Russian mother and have lived in the Hampstead area of London for most of their lives. Recently some recordings on video of interviews with Alisa and Gabriel landed on the net. The kids described in great detail the abuse their father lead them into – a pedophile ring – which included their father, other children and their parents, teachers at their school, authorities and others, violence and sacrificing and eating of babies who were bought into the country by members of the ring. The kids spoke in a very descriptive, open, and frank manner about their abuse. It is heart wrenching listening to them. Many of the videos have been taken off the net now. The children have been taken into care. The mother is desperate to re-unite with them and her parents want to take the family back to Russia for a new beginning. The following are some interviews with active links (for now)...
Then, Anonymous exposed all the details of sexual abuse in Christ Church school, including names, email and addresses;
These are the questions I have for Lynn: How many pedophiles are there out there? We rarely used to hear about them, but it seems now they are out there in droves. Are they ‘just reptilians’? Are they low energy beings that keep coming back? Some type of Vampire? Do they ever ‘die’ forever? Do they leave kids behind with this stuff in their DNA? And really how come they can take over a whole area in England including a school, the teachers, the fathers, the Powers that Be, etc. Seems to be that they are covered and protected by the govt and police force – (because they participate too)? Cheers
A. The best we to approach this is to digest the situation and break down the question... I will first look at how many groups we are talking about, and where they are.. I get this behavior happens everywhere (all over the world)- it always has, and always will. As I try to see How or better yet, Why, it is coming to me that before there were true civilizations or societies our primal brain didn't have rules on sex or treatment of kids. As societies were created, those rules were created too in order for us to live together in a safe and cohesive environment. Before these rules, in a more ancient time, if you wanted sex, you had it- there were age (or gender, racial, etc) restrictions. People operated in survival, reproductive and basic instinct mode. Then I see a neanderthal man saying "food- eat" in the most basic of primal thoughts. From our current perspective we see this type of life ranging from simple and unrestrictive, to quite barbaric depending on the group of people and event being witnessed. It was a different time, and a different way of thinking.
These people that participate in this lifestyle now are "stuck" in that mental thinking of an ancient time. There is a reptilian piece of their brain activated that is applying ideas of a virtually prehistoric time into todays' society. It is further compounded by the amount of money made because people that participate will pay enormous amounts of money. They feel shame in this practice, but there is some psychological piece of their minds that won't let them stop. Then I hear this analogy that these people have the "minds of cavemen, living in a current time." They have never evolved (mentally or spiritually) and still run on this "reptilian" mind. I also get that if you did an MRI on these people you would see their thought patterns reside mainly in their reptilian brain at the base of the head...??
They aren't true reptilians, but are controlled by the reptilian part of their brain. Their actions and their lower vibrations do aid and represent the "true ET reptilians." These actions and ways of thinking (lower vibrations) support and help the Reptilian agenda..
I get they are able to thrive in England because the monarchy provides huge clientele..?? They feel protected and insulated there. There is a sense of being protected and insulated there. I get that many people are bribed to turn away and there is an element of secrecy.
I also see that these lower level beings keep reincarnating in a cycle- they don't ascend. It looks like a loop of tormentor and victim over and over. BUT, once earth is able to shift to a higher frequency (higher dimension), these beings will no longer be able to survive. I get an image of them holding the sides of their heads yelling as if the vibration hurts them and they can't stand it. They are driven underground or away when this happens.
And that is all I have for this reading. Please send thoughts of love to these victims... Love and light-
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Giant Spheres in the Solar System
[As a continuation of yesterday's reading / entry, I also had this article sent to me. It was so interesting, I thought it deserved it's own entry...]
Q. Does this article look accurate, and what are these giant spheres doing here?
http://www.theeventchronicle. com/intel/david-wilcock-100- spheres-the-size-of-either- neptune-or-jupiter-have- entered-our-solar-system-in- the-last-2-3-years/
A. As I looked at this, what David Wilcock states resonates as true. (I mentioned this on a comment earlier today...) What I get is the spheres are the shield surrounding ships that are carrying the necessary material (genetic and physical) to create life within our solar system. I get an image of a scene on Superman in which everyone was fleeing Krypton to find a survival location- in this case that survivable location is within our own solar system.
When the ETs war occurred thousands of years ago and many ETs left, these Avian species were among them. I see they went to our sister solar system (where our sister sun resides). As this sister system approaches ours, it looks to create some kind of hostile environment in that system, causing ET life in that system to leave. At one time many ETs lived in our system on planets and moons, and earth was viewed as an oasis. Now that they cannot live in the sister system they are coming back to this system, and want to make earth the oasis that it once was.
The Cabal is scared as this threatens everything they have built over the years. The Cabal knows they cannot win, and are tying every tactic to spread lower vibrational energy (to keep us down as long as possible). I see some kind of anxiety and desperation behind this- there is a new flavor of fear constantly- war, terror, ISIS, viruses, Ebola, Flu, false flags, etc... They have to "re-juice" the feelings of fear as soon as one loses it's impact. I get that they want us to argue among ourselves to distract from the bigger (universal) issues. It is critical for the Cabal to survive, we must be suppressed..
Q. Are these ETs hostile?
A. No, the Cabal just wants us to think they are. If we fear them, that helps to strengthen the lower vibrational force. They feel advanced and vibrationally much higher than humans. They want to help in creating the energetic shift to upgrade earth to a 4D or 5D planet (which is like their home planet and also unsurvivable to the lower level beings.)
Q. What will happen to the lower level beings if they can't survive on earth?
A. I get a message that they cannot survive on earth, but can survive "in" earth.. They will either burrow deep or be forced to leave.
Q. How do these Avian ETs relate to the Cat and Dog Humanoid ETs?
A. I get this "sphere" shielding houses not only Avian ETs, but Cat and Dog Humanoid ETs too.. There has been an enormous unification of forces aligning to help "reset" this solar system. I get the analogy that earth was like a toy that was played with, and then put aside and forgotten, to later be rediscovered. Now it needs cleaned and polished to bring it back to its' natural state and true potential.
We do have the power to regain the planet by elevating our consciousness. Educate yourself, focus on the unity in the universe and truly listen to your gut. Realize fear is just fear, and let it go rather than absorb it.
Link to previous reading regarding fireballs and UFOs in the sky:
Q. Does this article look accurate, and what are these giant spheres doing here?
A. As I looked at this, what David Wilcock states resonates as true. (I mentioned this on a comment earlier today...) What I get is the spheres are the shield surrounding ships that are carrying the necessary material (genetic and physical) to create life within our solar system. I get an image of a scene on Superman in which everyone was fleeing Krypton to find a survival location- in this case that survivable location is within our own solar system.

The Cabal is scared as this threatens everything they have built over the years. The Cabal knows they cannot win, and are tying every tactic to spread lower vibrational energy (to keep us down as long as possible). I see some kind of anxiety and desperation behind this- there is a new flavor of fear constantly- war, terror, ISIS, viruses, Ebola, Flu, false flags, etc... They have to "re-juice" the feelings of fear as soon as one loses it's impact. I get that they want us to argue among ourselves to distract from the bigger (universal) issues. It is critical for the Cabal to survive, we must be suppressed..
Q. Are these ETs hostile?
A. No, the Cabal just wants us to think they are. If we fear them, that helps to strengthen the lower vibrational force. They feel advanced and vibrationally much higher than humans. They want to help in creating the energetic shift to upgrade earth to a 4D or 5D planet (which is like their home planet and also unsurvivable to the lower level beings.)
Q. What will happen to the lower level beings if they can't survive on earth?
A. I get a message that they cannot survive on earth, but can survive "in" earth.. They will either burrow deep or be forced to leave.
Q. How do these Avian ETs relate to the Cat and Dog Humanoid ETs?
A. I get this "sphere" shielding houses not only Avian ETs, but Cat and Dog Humanoid ETs too.. There has been an enormous unification of forces aligning to help "reset" this solar system. I get the analogy that earth was like a toy that was played with, and then put aside and forgotten, to later be rediscovered. Now it needs cleaned and polished to bring it back to its' natural state and true potential.
We do have the power to regain the planet by elevating our consciousness. Educate yourself, focus on the unity in the universe and truly listen to your gut. Realize fear is just fear, and let it go rather than absorb it.
Link to previous reading regarding fireballs and UFOs in the sky:
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