A. [I have been asked this question a lot, and I am slowly making sense of how this will appear and I will do my best to put it into words...]
I see our earth as having different "layers" that co-exist. These "layers" are defined by the vibrations within that layer. Lower vibrations stay in one layer, higher vibrations are in another. As we incarnate, the vibration of our new form will determine which layer we reside in, and which layer we experience.

Right now we (as humans) are living a 3D life on a 3D layer of earth. If we can increase our consciousness (therefore increasing our vibration) we will have the ability to come back to earth and experience it through (what most people call) a 4D perspective. You would live an experience earth as a 4D being. Seeing 3D life or experiences (or beings) would be equivalent to you being a 3D being and seeing a 4D layer now. YOU would be in the 4D world, with an ability to see 3D (if you chose), but you would be separate from it.
I also see that as you evolve and increase your consciousness, you are capable to leave "earth" and all the layers on it during future incarnations. There are places, locations (even planets) that are reserved for the higher dimensional (vibrational) beings. The energy is so intense that you have to be "wired" to take it on. There is a higher use of telepathy and concepts of just "knowing" information. Language is simplified because thoughts are shared. In our current human form our system cannot handle this intensity, therefore, it isn't an option, but as we grow our options open up.
As I type this I do get that we can "visit" these other dimensions (it looks like an introduction of sorts) through mental connections. We can see, communicate and even experience these "layers," but I cannot see where we are physically transported there.
I don't see the dimensional split occurring during a lifetime. It occurs in the after (physical) life and during the incarnation process. People don't disappear, but rather move (providing they are capable of maintaining and existing in a higher vibrational field) on to other places when they are no longer held down by their physical constraints.
Then I am left with a final thought that is half a quote I have heard, and half a symbolic thought- "If the universe is a marathon, this current life is like a mini sprint. There is much to do and learn, and worlds ahead of you with many forks in the road to explore as you learn and expand through experience."
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. L&L-
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