Regarding cancer, it looks to help "clean" the blood and help to eliminate free radicals and toxins. It looks like the hemp oil gets into the blood stream and as it floats it has a lubricating effects on the walls of the arteries, and yet works like a magnet collecting the "junk" in the system to later be excreted. I also get not to feel alarmed if your urine has a "foul" smell while the purging of this toxins is occurring as it is your body's way of naturally getting it out of your system.
I get this oil can be taken by drinking it directly (using a spoon) or it can be taken in a capsule (as long as the capsule is filled with liquid oil and not a solid version of the oil- I get that a solid is not it's pure state).
Q. What are the side effects of this oil?
A. The first thing I get is that it is like a super protein. I see it effecting hair, skin and nails in a positive way. I also see this working to aid and help with hormone imbalances that effect mood and sleep (insomnia)- it looks to be a natural way to balance the body.
Q. What other things can be combined with the oil to promote the effectiveness?A. I am first taken back to a reading on dandelions- they were being eaten (the flower tops and the leafy greens). The vitamins and nutrients within the dandelions looks to promote health and also create a balance in the body (regarding Ph) that makes it more difficult for cancer (or foreign) cells to grow.
I also get that drinking apple cider vinegar can be very beneficial. The goal is to force your body into more of an alkaline state. Cancer thrives in acid, and if you reduce the acid- it can't multiply. A spoonful once (or ideally twice) daily diluted in 3 or 4 ounces of water looks to be very beneficial. As I type this I see the person taking a spoonful of honey after they drink the apple cider vinegar (?) then I hear "a spoonful of honey helps the medicine go down." (??) I am unclear if it is a taste or health benefit, but the image feels like it completes the message on how to maximize the effect of the vinegar..
The last thing I see is Frankincense essential oil. A drop can be placed on the external part of the body relating to the cancerous location (for example, if it is in the throat, apply the oil to the throat itself) or it can be taken internally (either a drop diluted in water or in a capsule) BUT if you take it internal it must be therapeutic grade (I have oils on my site I recommend, but you can do your research also).
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
The following are some other readings I did on the topic of cancer that you may be interested in:http://psychicfocus.blogspot.com/2013/01/i-was-wondering-if-you-could-focus-on.html
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