A. I do see that a persons energy can effect our facial features, but I don't see the energy creating brown vs blue eyes, or round versus square face, but rather the symmetry of features (where is the nose in relation to the mouth, spacing of eyes, what horizontal plane to the eyes reside in relation to the ears, etc). It is the feature itself that tells a story, but rather how the features are positioned in relation to each other.
A. I see that it is rare, but a person (by changing vibrations) can have subtle alterations to the positioning of physical traits on their face. I get an image of someone being studied. The person then leaves to go on a spiritual retreat (this is the image my mind is showing me) for a few weeks, and when they meet again and are studied. The eyes are the same, the shape of the mouth is the same, but yet something is off- At a closer look the positioning of the eyes (the space between them narrowed) is off, and even the slightest variation can make a person seem and feel very different. Then it comes to me that the position of the eyes (not the eyes themselves) are the "key to the puzzle."
Q. Do people with similar spiritual vibrational level have similar faces eg. certain skull shapes or facial angle etc http://creationrevolution.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/2-28-12-cmi-8471common-facial-angle.jpg.
A. I get it isn't about the face as much as it is about the eyes. There is some significance to the position of the eye and also the iris print (??). It is coming to me that every print is unique, but there is some kind of common factor. I see someone reading an iris print much like the circular astrology chart.. It looks like the dots or imperfections within the iris (??) are being analyzed and read. I don't see exactly how this is done, but there looks to be some significant studies and people are working on perfecting this...?
Q.. How do we determine whether someone is spiritually advanced or spiritually low just by looking at their face?
A. You have to look into their eyes. Unless you have studied "eye prints" it is hard to determine, but more than anything you can "feel" it. Your subconscious will know, you just need to listen to it.
Q. Do our faces change drastically or remain almost the same from our immediate past life?
A. Faces change drastically from incarnation to incarnation. You may be caucasian, indian, asian or even an animal. There is no "same face" that carries with you. What I get does remain the same is your iris print. Regardless of the being, you will have the same iris print (I am referring to the imperfections or markings NOT the color or shape of the eye itself).
I am left with hearing the phrase that "the eyes truly are the windows to the soul."
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
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