Thursday, February 26, 2015
Plumbing Of The Spiritual Being
Plumbing is the system of pipes, drains, fittings, valves, and fixtures, installed for the distribution of potable water for drinking, heating and washing, and waterborne waste removal. "Plumbing" also refers to the skilled trade which installs and maintains it. The plumbing industry is a basic and substantial part of every developed economy. The word derives from the Latin plumbum for lead, as the first effective pipes used in Roman era were lead pipes. "Plumbing" often denotes the supply and...
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Cosmic Consciousness - by Deepak Chopra
The Future of God (A Conversation between Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Kyra Phillips, CNN)
Friday, February 20, 2015
Sugar Ray Leonard & Deepak Chopra - One World
Olympic Gold Medalist & 6 times World Boxing Champion Sugar Ray Leonard, now dedicates his fight to his company Exhale Cosmetics and the Exhale for Peace Foundation for the special disabled military veterans.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Chaos and Order | The Rabbit Hole
Deepak Chopra explores the intrinsic relationship between chaos and order. As the philosopher Nietzsche once said "You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.", but what does this mean in a modern world that focuses so much on planning, order, and organization?
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Wheelchair Walkin Baths in Lakewood, Colorado
The Top Video Game Tester Jobs at Home in Fontana-on-geneva Lake, Wisconsin “My Friends Laughed When I Applied As A Video Game Tester.” “But When They Saw My Paycheck! -” Hi everyone! It’s Geller and Stacy here and we want to teach you how to become a videogame tester and get paid starting TODAY! As […]
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Hemp Oil and Cancer
Q. Can hemp oil cure cancer? I'm asking the hemp oil question for a dear and amazing friend with stage 4 cancer of esophagus that has spread. Second, are there any meaningful side effects from hemp oil? If you could post a reply to these questions soon, it would be great. Love your blog- thanks!
A. The effectiveness of the hemp oil depends on the cancer and the person using it (their chemistry and more important their mind and how they view their level of health). I see hemp oil working similar to a fish oil in reducing inflammation- it looks to be a natural cortisone (or have similar effects as a cortisone). This oil looks to be a ramped up version of a fish oil (similar properties but more intense results).
Regarding cancer, it looks to help "clean" the blood and help to eliminate free radicals and toxins. It looks like the hemp oil gets into the blood stream and as it floats it has a lubricating effects on the walls of the arteries, and yet works like a magnet collecting the "junk" in the system to later be excreted. I also get not to feel alarmed if your urine has a "foul" smell while the purging of this toxins is occurring as it is your body's way of naturally getting it out of your system.
I get this oil can be taken by drinking it directly (using a spoon) or it can be taken in a capsule (as long as the capsule is filled with liquid oil and not a solid version of the oil- I get that a solid is not it's pure state).
Q. What are the side effects of this oil?
A. The first thing I get is that it is like a super protein. I see it effecting hair, skin and nails in a positive way. I also see this working to aid and help with hormone imbalances that effect mood and sleep (insomnia)- it looks to be a natural way to balance the body.
Q. What other things can be combined with the oil to promote the effectiveness?A. I am first taken back to a reading on dandelions- they were being eaten (the flower tops and the leafy greens). The vitamins and nutrients within the dandelions looks to promote health and also create a balance in the body (regarding Ph) that makes it more difficult for cancer (or foreign) cells to grow.
I also get that drinking apple cider vinegar can be very beneficial. The goal is to force your body into more of an alkaline state. Cancer thrives in acid, and if you reduce the acid- it can't multiply. A spoonful once (or ideally twice) daily diluted in 3 or 4 ounces of water looks to be very beneficial. As I type this I see the person taking a spoonful of honey after they drink the apple cider vinegar (?) then I hear "a spoonful of honey helps the medicine go down." (??) I am unclear if it is a taste or health benefit, but the image feels like it completes the message on how to maximize the effect of the vinegar..
The last thing I see is Frankincense essential oil. A drop can be placed on the external part of the body relating to the cancerous location (for example, if it is in the throat, apply the oil to the throat itself) or it can be taken internally (either a drop diluted in water or in a capsule) BUT if you take it internal it must be therapeutic grade (I have oils on my site I recommend, but you can do your research also).
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
The following are some other readings I did on the topic of cancer that you may be interested in:

Regarding cancer, it looks to help "clean" the blood and help to eliminate free radicals and toxins. It looks like the hemp oil gets into the blood stream and as it floats it has a lubricating effects on the walls of the arteries, and yet works like a magnet collecting the "junk" in the system to later be excreted. I also get not to feel alarmed if your urine has a "foul" smell while the purging of this toxins is occurring as it is your body's way of naturally getting it out of your system.
I get this oil can be taken by drinking it directly (using a spoon) or it can be taken in a capsule (as long as the capsule is filled with liquid oil and not a solid version of the oil- I get that a solid is not it's pure state).
Q. What are the side effects of this oil?
A. The first thing I get is that it is like a super protein. I see it effecting hair, skin and nails in a positive way. I also see this working to aid and help with hormone imbalances that effect mood and sleep (insomnia)- it looks to be a natural way to balance the body.
Q. What other things can be combined with the oil to promote the effectiveness?A. I am first taken back to a reading on dandelions- they were being eaten (the flower tops and the leafy greens). The vitamins and nutrients within the dandelions looks to promote health and also create a balance in the body (regarding Ph) that makes it more difficult for cancer (or foreign) cells to grow.
I also get that drinking apple cider vinegar can be very beneficial. The goal is to force your body into more of an alkaline state. Cancer thrives in acid, and if you reduce the acid- it can't multiply. A spoonful once (or ideally twice) daily diluted in 3 or 4 ounces of water looks to be very beneficial. As I type this I see the person taking a spoonful of honey after they drink the apple cider vinegar (?) then I hear "a spoonful of honey helps the medicine go down." (??) I am unclear if it is a taste or health benefit, but the image feels like it completes the message on how to maximize the effect of the vinegar..
The last thing I see is Frankincense essential oil. A drop can be placed on the external part of the body relating to the cancerous location (for example, if it is in the throat, apply the oil to the throat itself) or it can be taken internally (either a drop diluted in water or in a capsule) BUT if you take it internal it must be therapeutic grade (I have oils on my site I recommend, but you can do your research also).
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
The following are some other readings I did on the topic of cancer that you may be interested in:
Pagan is Latin for Redneck
The first time this definition occurred to me, it made me giggle. With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy, it definitely has the humorous aspect of meaning covered. But the more time goes by, the more I like this definition from many points of view, and not just because it's funny. This characterization is accurate, both from a historical and an etymological point of view. The actual Latin term is Paganus, which is usually rendered in English as "country-dweller." Historically, this term came to describe those who lived outside the protection of the nascent city of Rome. This term is an ancient term of otherness, applying to those who either already had been or would shortly be conquered by Rome. It was disparaging, much like the "redneck" of today.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
All About the Face..
Q. Hi Lynn, In Chinese physiognomy they study faces. Is our physical look affected by our energy / vibration? (For example, some people have frizzy hair while another may have straight hair, or someone can have a round face versus someone with a square face).
A. I do see that a persons energy can effect our facial features, but I don't see the energy creating brown vs blue eyes, or round versus square face, but rather the symmetry of features (where is the nose in relation to the mouth, spacing of eyes, what horizontal plane to the eyes reside in relation to the ears, etc). It is the feature itself that tells a story, but rather how the features are positioned in relation to each other.
Q. Can these physical traits be altered somewhat? If yes, how? Thanks
A. I see that it is rare, but a person (by changing vibrations) can have subtle alterations to the positioning of physical traits on their face. I get an image of someone being studied. The person then leaves to go on a spiritual retreat (this is the image my mind is showing me) for a few weeks, and when they meet again and are studied. The eyes are the same, the shape of the mouth is the same, but yet something is off- At a closer look the positioning of the eyes (the space between them narrowed) is off, and even the slightest variation can make a person seem and feel very different. Then it comes to me that the position of the eyes (not the eyes themselves) are the "key to the puzzle."
Q. Do people with similar spiritual vibrational level have similar faces eg. certain skull shapes or facial angle etc
A. I get it isn't about the face as much as it is about the eyes. There is some significance to the position of the eye and also the iris print (??). It is coming to me that every print is unique, but there is some kind of common factor. I see someone reading an iris print much like the circular astrology chart.. It looks like the dots or imperfections within the iris (??) are being analyzed and read. I don't see exactly how this is done, but there looks to be some significant studies and people are working on perfecting this...?
Q.. How do we determine whether someone is spiritually advanced or spiritually low just by looking at their face?
A. You have to look into their eyes. Unless you have studied "eye prints" it is hard to determine, but more than anything you can "feel" it. Your subconscious will know, you just need to listen to it.
Q. Do our faces change drastically or remain almost the same from our immediate past life?
A. Faces change drastically from incarnation to incarnation. You may be caucasian, indian, asian or even an animal. There is no "same face" that carries with you. What I get does remain the same is your iris print. Regardless of the being, you will have the same iris print (I am referring to the imperfections or markings NOT the color or shape of the eye itself).
I am left with hearing the phrase that "the eyes truly are the windows to the soul."
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
A. I do see that a persons energy can effect our facial features, but I don't see the energy creating brown vs blue eyes, or round versus square face, but rather the symmetry of features (where is the nose in relation to the mouth, spacing of eyes, what horizontal plane to the eyes reside in relation to the ears, etc). It is the feature itself that tells a story, but rather how the features are positioned in relation to each other.
A. I see that it is rare, but a person (by changing vibrations) can have subtle alterations to the positioning of physical traits on their face. I get an image of someone being studied. The person then leaves to go on a spiritual retreat (this is the image my mind is showing me) for a few weeks, and when they meet again and are studied. The eyes are the same, the shape of the mouth is the same, but yet something is off- At a closer look the positioning of the eyes (the space between them narrowed) is off, and even the slightest variation can make a person seem and feel very different. Then it comes to me that the position of the eyes (not the eyes themselves) are the "key to the puzzle."
Q. Do people with similar spiritual vibrational level have similar faces eg. certain skull shapes or facial angle etc
A. I get it isn't about the face as much as it is about the eyes. There is some significance to the position of the eye and also the iris print (??). It is coming to me that every print is unique, but there is some kind of common factor. I see someone reading an iris print much like the circular astrology chart.. It looks like the dots or imperfections within the iris (??) are being analyzed and read. I don't see exactly how this is done, but there looks to be some significant studies and people are working on perfecting this...?
Q.. How do we determine whether someone is spiritually advanced or spiritually low just by looking at their face?
A. You have to look into their eyes. Unless you have studied "eye prints" it is hard to determine, but more than anything you can "feel" it. Your subconscious will know, you just need to listen to it.
Q. Do our faces change drastically or remain almost the same from our immediate past life?
A. Faces change drastically from incarnation to incarnation. You may be caucasian, indian, asian or even an animal. There is no "same face" that carries with you. What I get does remain the same is your iris print. Regardless of the being, you will have the same iris print (I am referring to the imperfections or markings NOT the color or shape of the eye itself).
I am left with hearing the phrase that "the eyes truly are the windows to the soul."
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
The Supernatural | The Rabbit Hole
Ghosts, spirits, and the paranormal - are they real? This thoughtful examination in The Rabbit Hole series on The Chopra Well discusses how we are the makers of reality & possess supernormal powers.
Friday, February 13, 2015
Luc Montagnier & Deepak Chopra - One World
Author of 350 scientific publications & more than 750 patents, Professor Luc Montagnier was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine, for his 1983 discovery of HIV1 as well as HIV2.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Populating Polytheist Pantheons: What To Do With "New Gods"
What about the reality of totally new deities?
Monday, February 9, 2015
Alien Influence: Short Answer Q & A (Group Post)
Q. Lately I've noticed that children age 2 or 3 years old seem to be mature beyond their years. Often it's like talking to another adult and I'm surprisingly shocked at the things they say and with such conviction. It's become so common with the children in my family and the children of others that it seems normal, but I suspect it is not. Because of this, combined with the high numbers of these children born with food allergies, I'm wondering if some of the children of this generation have received a DNA upgrade, or they are hybrid alien/human?
A. There are two different things I see going on.... I see the human intellect is splitting.. There are some that are sort of "stuck" in our current paradigm, while others are elevating their level of consciousness. These children that are exhibiting the higher level of intellect, are indeed tapping into their higher level of consciousness. This generational shift is part of the overall splitting of the layers of earth (going from 3D to 4D or higher).
I see the food allergies being more related to the environment. There are elements of things around us (electromagnetic waves, pollution, chemtrails, etc) among other things In addition to that, our quality of food is on the decline. We have what comes through to me as "fake" food... GMO, hormone injected, chemically altered food. Young bodies (even starting in the womb) cannot process that food. All of the above combined create sensitives (or rather I want to use the word "rejections") to certain types of food. Then I hear that if you go to a third world country you won't find these types of allergies...
Q. Hi Lynn there's been communication disturbance around the world by a group calling themselves the Lizard Squad. Do you see a reptilian connection? If so are they rising amongst us?
A. I see this "Lizard Squad" as a very mild form of the true reptilian race. They want to be reptilian, but they aren't. I see they are working for the reptilians, trying to create a belonging and earning their worth. They feel to be very low vibrational beings.
Q. The "positive" ET groups that are wanting to show themselves......are they coordinating with each other......or is each group doing there own thing?
A. I see each one was trying to go about reaching earth separately (crop circles, etc), but they have now "regrouped" and are trying a new strategy as a joint effort. I get that instead of little appearances, they are planning something big (I just can't see what yet)...
Q. The "positive" ET groups that are wanting to show themselves.....who are they? Species? Origination?
A. When I put the intent out there, the thing I first see are animals.... I see a wolf morph into a man, then a lion morph into a man... Then I get there are MANY races of ETs out there, but the dominate races trying to make their way back to earth are humanoid versions of wolves and lions. These two groups used to oppose each other (then I hear they fought like "cats and dogs" but have learned they need to come together).
Then I get the workers (or lower levels) of these humanoid beings (wolves and lions) can also take different images (they aren't all the base of a wolf or lion). In fact I see many hairless beings (and get that is where the greys come from). I see so many races flash under these "wolf and lion kings" it is hard to even verbalize, BUT the one thing that is clear is the races in in our close proximity that are coming together to help earth (there are some out there that have no interest in earth) are the higher vibrational races, and the races (reptilian and ant humanoids) that reside in the earth are of lower vibrations.
When you ask Where are they from? I consistently get the image of Orions belt..
Q. Why do the Andromedans not support their biggest asset here on Earth.....Alex Collier?
A. The answer I get is they don't like how he relayed the information..? They feel like something interfered (some kind of ego or negative interference). It is as if something happened to his vibration between being contacted and present day...
Q. Why do the purported "positive" ET groups (according to Julien Wells sessions) take DNA samples from Earth humans whilst asleep without there conscious consent?
A. They are trying to learn about us. They want to help us, and part of helping is truly understanding how we work (what are our strengths and weaknesses). I also get that we are a result of many genetic experiments, and we have evolved from the original seeding due to our environment (some natural and some chemical). They want to know how free will and time have altered us from our original state.
Q. Julien Wells has said that his Pleiadean contact group (who are in a biosphere close to Earth just outside our perceivable frequency) shares Earth humans dreamspace/dreamtime. I hazard a guess that most groups in Earth's vicinity are doing the same "sharing" and as a result influencing our dreams. Whose consent did they receive to do this?
A. (If I understand this question correctly..) I get the consent comes from the human sharing the experience. You (in your conscious mind) have the ability to open or close yourself to spiritual contact (which is the type of contact you receive on the subconscious level) during a dream state.
Q. Why doesn't any offworld group positive or negative fully advise us of our Earth human history? A comprehensive history?
A. I get a couple things with this.. First, I get the human history is very complex. It isn't an answer as simple as x + y = z. There are layers and layers and different levels of involvement from different ET species. Then I get that the different layers of involvement create different versions of the same truth. Each species sees their contribution differently (and has their own truth), and just as textbooks are written by the winners of battle, history is told in versions based on those varying ET perspectives. There are elements of truth to all the stories and the challenge is overlaying the the stories to get an absolute truth.
Q. Is there a quarantine/blockade of Earth? If so who is enforcing this? And why?
A. There is a quarantine (it looks like a force field in my mind) around Earth. I get that there was a huge battle and the reptilians won that battle by burrowing underground. Part of winning the battle (and maintaining their presence) was to trigger parts of the human reptilian brain. As long as the overall majority of the human consciousness operates within a certain vibration, the reptilians maintain control. Once the collective consciousness steps outside that vibration, the reptilians lose control and the force field starts to come down.
Q. Why do purported "positive" ET groups monitor our thoughts without our consent?
A. I don't see the positive ETs monitoring us (that wording feels very off), but more like they are desperately attempting to contact us through our subconscious thoughts. It feels like the are trying to enlighten and warn us of this reptilian race (and how to escape their invisible enslavement).
Q. Why are purported "positive" ET groups already on Earth just outside our perceivable frequency without our consent and them not revealing themselves to us?
A. They aren't allowed until the human consciousness changes... We aren't willing (on a mass scale) to accept them.
Q. Because purported "positive" ET groups are in 3d walking amongst us why don't they be the go between with Earth humans and offworlders of a higher frequency via email? Like normal people do use email instead of putting thoughts in other heads.
A. I get many of the "thoughts" that people get can't be verbalized (like the inspiration for a great invention). There aren't words for some of the higher vibrational communication that occurs.
Q. Why is it that when ET groups communicate they say a lot but really don't say much....the messages have little substance?
A. I get they are incredibly limited in what they can say or do until the level of consciousness rises. They have "broken through" to some individuals (inventions, medical advancements, technical advancements) to help humans, but on a large scale they have been blocked. Also, many messages have to be "felt" based on concepts and proven truth and there are really not words to describe the message (then I get "How would you describe the color blue? Blue is blue... You may be able to compare it, but you can't use words to say exactly what blue is..).
Q. Why was the tech transfer allowed between offworld groups and the psychopaths that are in control of this planet?
A. I get at the time the technology was transferred it was done with good intentions.. Over time, it was the human emotion of greed, power and control that infiltrated what once was good. Technology that was gifted to us to aid in our evolution was stolen and used as a tool to propel certain individuals (which was not the intent of these ETs). I also get this transfer of technology was a main part of what caused the ET war that ended up driving off the "positive ETs."
Q. Why is it that the ETs do not know the meaning of the word "trust" or the phrase "trust is earned"?
A. I get it is because "trust" is in the category of emotion/feeling that many ETs do not have.
Q. Why doesn't the purported "positive" ET groups reveal there ships to large groups of humans? Why the deception? And the old "will create mass panic" chestnut doesn't cut it.
A. I get that the panic really is the underlying reason they can't "just appear." If they show up, the current controlling race will retaliate with a vengeance to drive them away. The positive ETs don't want a battle, and don't want to hurt more humans. The positive ETs don't want to take earth back by force, but rather a spiritual evolution (which I hear is more powerful than 10,000 armies). Until the human subconscious is ready for this, just appearing won't create a positive situation, which is turn defeats their purpose. War, violence and fear is a lower vibrational emotion (which the controlling race knows and exploits to keep control) which is very counterproductive in elevation of the human collective consciousness. We need love and higher vibrations to make this change a success. Then I hear, "We are contributors to our problem, but we are also our own solution- We just have to wake up."
I know there are many more questions out there, but I am concluding this session for now. Thank you. Love and light-
A. There are two different things I see going on.... I see the human intellect is splitting.. There are some that are sort of "stuck" in our current paradigm, while others are elevating their level of consciousness. These children that are exhibiting the higher level of intellect, are indeed tapping into their higher level of consciousness. This generational shift is part of the overall splitting of the layers of earth (going from 3D to 4D or higher).

Q. Hi Lynn there's been communication disturbance around the world by a group calling themselves the Lizard Squad. Do you see a reptilian connection? If so are they rising amongst us?
A. I see this "Lizard Squad" as a very mild form of the true reptilian race. They want to be reptilian, but they aren't. I see they are working for the reptilians, trying to create a belonging and earning their worth. They feel to be very low vibrational beings.
Q. The "positive" ET groups that are wanting to show themselves......are they coordinating with each other......or is each group doing there own thing?
A. I see each one was trying to go about reaching earth separately (crop circles, etc), but they have now "regrouped" and are trying a new strategy as a joint effort. I get that instead of little appearances, they are planning something big (I just can't see what yet)...
Q. The "positive" ET groups that are wanting to show themselves.....who are they? Species? Origination?
A. When I put the intent out there, the thing I first see are animals.... I see a wolf morph into a man, then a lion morph into a man... Then I get there are MANY races of ETs out there, but the dominate races trying to make their way back to earth are humanoid versions of wolves and lions. These two groups used to oppose each other (then I hear they fought like "cats and dogs" but have learned they need to come together).
Then I get the workers (or lower levels) of these humanoid beings (wolves and lions) can also take different images (they aren't all the base of a wolf or lion). In fact I see many hairless beings (and get that is where the greys come from). I see so many races flash under these "wolf and lion kings" it is hard to even verbalize, BUT the one thing that is clear is the races in in our close proximity that are coming together to help earth (there are some out there that have no interest in earth) are the higher vibrational races, and the races (reptilian and ant humanoids) that reside in the earth are of lower vibrations.
When you ask Where are they from? I consistently get the image of Orions belt..
Q. Why do the Andromedans not support their biggest asset here on Earth.....Alex Collier?
A. The answer I get is they don't like how he relayed the information..? They feel like something interfered (some kind of ego or negative interference). It is as if something happened to his vibration between being contacted and present day...
Q. Why do the purported "positive" ET groups (according to Julien Wells sessions) take DNA samples from Earth humans whilst asleep without there conscious consent?
A. They are trying to learn about us. They want to help us, and part of helping is truly understanding how we work (what are our strengths and weaknesses). I also get that we are a result of many genetic experiments, and we have evolved from the original seeding due to our environment (some natural and some chemical). They want to know how free will and time have altered us from our original state.
Q. Julien Wells has said that his Pleiadean contact group (who are in a biosphere close to Earth just outside our perceivable frequency) shares Earth humans dreamspace/dreamtime. I hazard a guess that most groups in Earth's vicinity are doing the same "sharing" and as a result influencing our dreams. Whose consent did they receive to do this?
A. (If I understand this question correctly..) I get the consent comes from the human sharing the experience. You (in your conscious mind) have the ability to open or close yourself to spiritual contact (which is the type of contact you receive on the subconscious level) during a dream state.
Q. Why doesn't any offworld group positive or negative fully advise us of our Earth human history? A comprehensive history?
A. I get a couple things with this.. First, I get the human history is very complex. It isn't an answer as simple as x + y = z. There are layers and layers and different levels of involvement from different ET species. Then I get that the different layers of involvement create different versions of the same truth. Each species sees their contribution differently (and has their own truth), and just as textbooks are written by the winners of battle, history is told in versions based on those varying ET perspectives. There are elements of truth to all the stories and the challenge is overlaying the the stories to get an absolute truth.
Q. Is there a quarantine/blockade of Earth? If so who is enforcing this? And why?
A. There is a quarantine (it looks like a force field in my mind) around Earth. I get that there was a huge battle and the reptilians won that battle by burrowing underground. Part of winning the battle (and maintaining their presence) was to trigger parts of the human reptilian brain. As long as the overall majority of the human consciousness operates within a certain vibration, the reptilians maintain control. Once the collective consciousness steps outside that vibration, the reptilians lose control and the force field starts to come down.
Q. Why do purported "positive" ET groups monitor our thoughts without our consent?
A. I don't see the positive ETs monitoring us (that wording feels very off), but more like they are desperately attempting to contact us through our subconscious thoughts. It feels like the are trying to enlighten and warn us of this reptilian race (and how to escape their invisible enslavement).
Q. Why are purported "positive" ET groups already on Earth just outside our perceivable frequency without our consent and them not revealing themselves to us?
A. They aren't allowed until the human consciousness changes... We aren't willing (on a mass scale) to accept them.
Q. Because purported "positive" ET groups are in 3d walking amongst us why don't they be the go between with Earth humans and offworlders of a higher frequency via email? Like normal people do use email instead of putting thoughts in other heads.
A. I get many of the "thoughts" that people get can't be verbalized (like the inspiration for a great invention). There aren't words for some of the higher vibrational communication that occurs.
Q. Why is it that when ET groups communicate they say a lot but really don't say much....the messages have little substance?
A. I get they are incredibly limited in what they can say or do until the level of consciousness rises. They have "broken through" to some individuals (inventions, medical advancements, technical advancements) to help humans, but on a large scale they have been blocked. Also, many messages have to be "felt" based on concepts and proven truth and there are really not words to describe the message (then I get "How would you describe the color blue? Blue is blue... You may be able to compare it, but you can't use words to say exactly what blue is..).
Q. Why was the tech transfer allowed between offworld groups and the psychopaths that are in control of this planet?
A. I get at the time the technology was transferred it was done with good intentions.. Over time, it was the human emotion of greed, power and control that infiltrated what once was good. Technology that was gifted to us to aid in our evolution was stolen and used as a tool to propel certain individuals (which was not the intent of these ETs). I also get this transfer of technology was a main part of what caused the ET war that ended up driving off the "positive ETs."
Q. Why is it that the ETs do not know the meaning of the word "trust" or the phrase "trust is earned"?
A. I get it is because "trust" is in the category of emotion/feeling that many ETs do not have.
Q. Why doesn't the purported "positive" ET groups reveal there ships to large groups of humans? Why the deception? And the old "will create mass panic" chestnut doesn't cut it.
A. I get that the panic really is the underlying reason they can't "just appear." If they show up, the current controlling race will retaliate with a vengeance to drive them away. The positive ETs don't want a battle, and don't want to hurt more humans. The positive ETs don't want to take earth back by force, but rather a spiritual evolution (which I hear is more powerful than 10,000 armies). Until the human subconscious is ready for this, just appearing won't create a positive situation, which is turn defeats their purpose. War, violence and fear is a lower vibrational emotion (which the controlling race knows and exploits to keep control) which is very counterproductive in elevation of the human collective consciousness. We need love and higher vibrations to make this change a success. Then I hear, "We are contributors to our problem, but we are also our own solution- We just have to wake up."
I know there are many more questions out there, but I am concluding this session for now. Thank you. Love and light-
Saturday, February 7, 2015
New Earth- How Does it Appear and How Do We Get There?
Q. Hello Lynn, I saw two things in a dream state.. First, The future of the Illuminati/Criminal Bankers; they will take an evolutionary fall and their next existence will be insects. Second, I saw a bright shiny new Earth is being born, it is leaving behind its old shell which is black and dark. Can see what the separation will be like in reality. Will it be like in Matthew 24:40 'Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left'. Maybe it will not be as dramatic such as a friend flies into the sunset on a Qantas flight never to be heard of again.
A. [I have been asked this question a lot, and I am slowly making sense of how this will appear and I will do my best to put it into words...]
I see our earth as having different "layers" that co-exist. These "layers" are defined by the vibrations within that layer. Lower vibrations stay in one layer, higher vibrations are in another. As we incarnate, the vibration of our new form will determine which layer we reside in, and which layer we experience.

Right now we (as humans) are living a 3D life on a 3D layer of earth. If we can increase our consciousness (therefore increasing our vibration) we will have the ability to come back to earth and experience it through (what most people call) a 4D perspective. You would live an experience earth as a 4D being. Seeing 3D life or experiences (or beings) would be equivalent to you being a 3D being and seeing a 4D layer now. YOU would be in the 4D world, with an ability to see 3D (if you chose), but you would be separate from it.
I also see that as you evolve and increase your consciousness, you are capable to leave "earth" and all the layers on it during future incarnations. There are places, locations (even planets) that are reserved for the higher dimensional (vibrational) beings. The energy is so intense that you have to be "wired" to take it on. There is a higher use of telepathy and concepts of just "knowing" information. Language is simplified because thoughts are shared. In our current human form our system cannot handle this intensity, therefore, it isn't an option, but as we grow our options open up.
As I type this I do get that we can "visit" these other dimensions (it looks like an introduction of sorts) through mental connections. We can see, communicate and even experience these "layers," but I cannot see where we are physically transported there.
I don't see the dimensional split occurring during a lifetime. It occurs in the after (physical) life and during the incarnation process. People don't disappear, but rather move (providing they are capable of maintaining and existing in a higher vibrational field) on to other places when they are no longer held down by their physical constraints.
Then I am left with a final thought that is half a quote I have heard, and half a symbolic thought- "If the universe is a marathon, this current life is like a mini sprint. There is much to do and learn, and worlds ahead of you with many forks in the road to explore as you learn and expand through experience."
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. L&L-
A. [I have been asked this question a lot, and I am slowly making sense of how this will appear and I will do my best to put it into words...]
I see our earth as having different "layers" that co-exist. These "layers" are defined by the vibrations within that layer. Lower vibrations stay in one layer, higher vibrations are in another. As we incarnate, the vibration of our new form will determine which layer we reside in, and which layer we experience.

Right now we (as humans) are living a 3D life on a 3D layer of earth. If we can increase our consciousness (therefore increasing our vibration) we will have the ability to come back to earth and experience it through (what most people call) a 4D perspective. You would live an experience earth as a 4D being. Seeing 3D life or experiences (or beings) would be equivalent to you being a 3D being and seeing a 4D layer now. YOU would be in the 4D world, with an ability to see 3D (if you chose), but you would be separate from it.
I also see that as you evolve and increase your consciousness, you are capable to leave "earth" and all the layers on it during future incarnations. There are places, locations (even planets) that are reserved for the higher dimensional (vibrational) beings. The energy is so intense that you have to be "wired" to take it on. There is a higher use of telepathy and concepts of just "knowing" information. Language is simplified because thoughts are shared. In our current human form our system cannot handle this intensity, therefore, it isn't an option, but as we grow our options open up.
As I type this I do get that we can "visit" these other dimensions (it looks like an introduction of sorts) through mental connections. We can see, communicate and even experience these "layers," but I cannot see where we are physically transported there.
I don't see the dimensional split occurring during a lifetime. It occurs in the after (physical) life and during the incarnation process. People don't disappear, but rather move (providing they are capable of maintaining and existing in a higher vibrational field) on to other places when they are no longer held down by their physical constraints.
Then I am left with a final thought that is half a quote I have heard, and half a symbolic thought- "If the universe is a marathon, this current life is like a mini sprint. There is much to do and learn, and worlds ahead of you with many forks in the road to explore as you learn and expand through experience."
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. L&L-
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A Tapestry of Metaphor: Art and the Pagan Spirit
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Where: The Chopra Center at Omni La Costa Resort & Spa
Sunday, February 1, 2015
How Do We Know What Reality Is? - by Deepak Chopra
The Future of God (A Conversation between Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Kyra Phillips, CNN)
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