A. As soon as I read this question I had a flood of things come to me. The first was I heard was"This is what happened to Atlantis. It didn't sink but was saved and vibrationally rose above by manipulating gravity It [Atlantis] was a magical place." I see that a species from above (ETs that don't seem to want to reveal themselves) saved them.
Then, I see references to the movie Oz the Great and Powerful where they are travelling inside a clear protective bubble. My impression is that if this isn't Atlantis that these people witnessed, it is a land similar to it that was saved and protected within this "clear bubble." This bubble looks to not only protect this "land" but holds in the specific vibration (I get an image of the bubble popping and the land dropping down out of the sky. Not that the bubble is popping, but if it the the vibration would be disrupted). The unique property of the vibration is that not only does it allow this land to float, but move through things. It is as if the frequency is not effected by gravity or mass. This land isn't on a different layer of existence, but rather vibrates on a unique frequency.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
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