Friday, May 22, 2015

Five Photos for Friday #10

Hi all, and welcome to Five for Friday #10. There's a lot of thinking necessary to absorb this one, so take your time. Might be helpful to actually meditate on a few of the topics.

Image #1: Mysterious Cobra Photograph #1
Backstory: "Cobra" recently released two photographs and the following text: "It is time to begin the process of Disclosure. Therefore I am releasing two relatively recent genuine images, coming from the Dragon sources, related to the Disclosure process. I have been instructed by the Light forces not yet to reveal what exactly is on those two images, because human mind then starts to speculate and intellectualize. It is much more important for the people to have a direct energetic experience of the images." Who is the woman in the picture and why is she significant? Why is this significant for Disclosure?

What Lynn Saw
"It's not the woman in the picture; it's more what this picture represents. It's an image of this woman sleeping, but what's happening is that there are these light forces from above who are positive, I can't see them as a physical manifestation as far as what they look like or what they are. They're more like energy, so when they come to earth they're coming as these forces from above that battle evil and pull us humans up into the next dimension by raising our vibrations, but I don't see them coming down from above in a physical existence. It's more like they float down in these energetic bubbles. Like I said, it's not who this person is, but what's going on. I see this energetic bubble hovering around her, illuminating her face, connecting with her Third Eye. I also get that there's this communication going on with her subconscious mind. If she were to suddenly awaken, she'd tell you about this amazing dream she had. Basically, Disclosure is indeed happening all around us FROM THE INSIDE OUT, not the other way around. People keep waiting for some world leader to tell them the truth about ETs, but the truth is actually coming within, from their subconscious. Pay attention to your dreams."

Image #2. Mysterious Cobra Photograph #2

Backstory: This is Cobra's picture #2. Some kind of portal? Why is this significant for Disclosure?

What Lynn Saw
"When I look at this, I get that its an abandoned ET base in a popular location like the Grand Canyon, hidden in plain sight. It's a gem of a place. There's some sense that it's abandoned. Something environmental happened to drive this species away. But it's the fact that it's THERE that's important for Disclosure. There's some writing literally on the wall, if we could see it. It's right under our noses. Those who have mastered the art of meditation, if you could move into that mental state while touching this structure, you'd know how to read the words there. It's a powerful, powerful spot."

Image #3. Horned Human Skull
Backstory: This is apparently one of many horned human skulls found in a Pennsylvania mound c. 1880, all of which have (of course) gone missing over the years. So, real or fake? Human or ET?

What Lynn Saw
"I get that this IS real. There's really dark energy tied to it. I get that this is more ET-based. These are lower vibrational ETs. They came here and it's almost like they haunted the people of Pennsylvania. It was a Native American tribe that battled this ET tribe, a while ago. The weird thing is, I see these horned beings as lost ET's that came here in one ship; they had no plan but just showed up here... and they were a nuisance. They haunted the Native Americans until they'd had enough and the natives rose up and killed them; they thought they had to cut their heads off to kill them. These were very low-vibrational entities."

Image #4. Budapest Alien & Energy Ball

Backstory: Da-da's guessing this recent pic is fake, but what the heck. If real, from where does our little friend originate?

What Lynn Saw
"Looks like a Photoshop job to me."

Image #5: The Gate of the Gods at Hayu Marca
Backstory: Lots of legends intersect here in Peru. One has it that the ancient gods would return in their "solar ships" via a "gateway to the land of the gods" which sounds very much like a portal. Another legend tells of gold and riches secreted away from the invading Spanish by a loyal Incan priest who hid a disc-shaped golden key, called the "key of the gods of the seven rays." That said, does this door-like edifice have anything interesting beyond it?

What Lynn Saw
"This is on some kind of a ley line. It's placed perfectly, energetically. I do see this as a portal. Someone walks up and puts their hand on the door and mentally they're able to change their energetic structure. Those people who could were godlike to the tribes of that time, and were able to mentally break apart the atoms that create matter so things were more... fluid, so you could move right through them. Think about it: if you had control of all the molecules that make up a solid wall, if you had the ability to touch it and break that bond, you could essentially move through the wall because the molecules are not bonded together, like a diver breaking the surface of the water in a dive. I see someone put their hand on this door. They sit there and funnel this mental energy through themselves and they learn how to break these molecules apart, and go into the chamber beyond by touch. It does feel like a portal. On the other side of the door, I see this hollowed out space of pure darkness. I then see them entering this space and then accessing some ship in another solar system. This a kind of safety lock. It's almost as if, if you don't have the ability to dissolve the door and walk through it, then you are not of a spiritual capacity high enough to survive the portaling effect on the other side. Once you reach the other side, you'd mentally need to know where you need to go and just go there. I see different types of ETs using this. The leader of this tribe could also go back and forth. The door is very old."

So, lots of homework this week for everyone. Join us Friday-after-next for episode #11.

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