A. I see that Lobsang and Hoskins were in the same "spiritual" place at the same time (as if they both died or were in the state of dying and their souls "met.") It looks like some communication happened in which Lobsang told Hoskins that his time on earth wasn't done while in the spiritual state of being, and Hoskins came back to his physical body (I get that Hoskins was actually dead for a short time). When Hoskins came back, he was not Lobsang, but he was able to channel Lobsang (as if Lobsang hung around as a guide or spiritual inspiration- I get they "talked"). Hoskins was Lobsangs "tool" used to spread knowledge and insight that Lobsang gained "on the other side."

A. I get there is very unique stone there- it almost feels like this stone contains an element not commonly (if ever) found on earth. I keep getting images of a liquid magnet (like this stone was caused out of something liquefying and then hardening as it sat on the bottom of the lake bed). When I pose how that happened?, I see a UFO in flames (as if it exploded) during some kind of space battle many thousands of years ago, and falling to earth...??
Q. Hi Lynn. Have you seen this video? Is it real? What do you think it is happening? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fgj2QSe-XnQ
A. I do see that guiding forces can come into people lives to prevent them from leaving earth before they are ready, but I get this is not a "true" video showing that.
I see guiding forces nudging you to go in different directions for reasons you may not understand at the time. For example, in a real situation this man may have crossed the street in a different direction or had a reason to stop his bike... A guide works in mysterious ways.
I do get that people can be put in situations that they should "die" but remain unharmed- For example, this man could have been hit, flew off his bike and remain unharmed (as if an energetic bubble of protection surrounded him), but to be swiped away doesn't have a "true feeling" to it..
Q Hi, Lynn. Are the unusual objects shown in this short video real discoveries by noted Egyptologist Sir William Petrie of Ancient Egyptian contact with extraterrestrials? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwPTcmCb_KA#t=103
A. Something about this feels off. I do see that these artifacts represent interactions with ETs, but the dating of the elements found doesn't "feel" to match the time frame in which I see these interactions took place. I want to date the physical interactions back thousands of years, and I get in looking at many of his findings they are only hundreds of years old. I do think he found things that tell a story, but the story feels rewritten. For example, I see a story of ET interactions carrying forward hundreds and hundreds of years to a person and what Sir Petrie found was that persons interpretation of the story that they documented. The time frame is not authentic, but the story is...??
A. Something about this feels off. I do see that these artifacts represent interactions with ETs, but the dating of the elements found doesn't "feel" to match the time frame in which I see these interactions took place. I want to date the physical interactions back thousands of years, and I get in looking at many of his findings they are only hundreds of years old. I do think he found things that tell a story, but the story feels rewritten. For example, I see a story of ET interactions carrying forward hundreds and hundreds of years to a person and what Sir Petrie found was that persons interpretation of the story that they documented. The time frame is not authentic, but the story is...??
Q. Is the Mothman (http://cryptidz.wikia.com/wiki/Mothman) Chupacabra (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chupacabra) and the Dover Demon (http://cryptidz.wikia.com/wiki/Dover_Demon) creatures from another planet?
A. When I focus on this, I get a connection to this these being true entities, but I can't get a strong connection as to why (specifically) they presented themselves, or how they got here... I get they are drawn to low vibrations (areas of death, destruction, negativity) as if these locations are like a beacon, but then they leave as the negative energy dissipates. They come, feed (literally) on the fear and panic, and when that fades they move on elsewhere. I cannot get a lot of these creatures. (I think it is in my greater good not to "go there.")??Q. Wow, thanks for your amazing work. My question is about the book "The Key" by the writer Whitley Strieber. In it, he claims while on a book tour in 1998 a man came to his hotel room in Canada and they had a long conversation about more or less everything. The man may have been Archangel Michael. Is the book an accurate portrayal of what happened or was Streiber the object of some deliberate, human psychological operation?
A. As I focus on this, I see a man sitting in a hotel room, and he is having a conversation with himself. I get the impression that there is an energy or presence with him, but you cannot see it. I see that this is a mental communication versus a verbal communication. I get that Whitley could not "see" this entity with his eyes, but rather "saw" him in his mind very vividly- like how you would feel in a daydream. I do get that there was a spiritual interaction in which Whitley was in tune with something that was there, and not in a physical form. I do not get it was an angel, but like a higher self/higher source type energy. I feel his book and discussions of this experience are genuine and honest.
Many thanks and blessings!
A. I get these are in Beta testing now. They will be live and ready to go (to enemy territories first) within the next 2 to 3 years.
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