Thursday, January 29, 2015
Are you living in fear?
Early in my career, my employer sent me to seminar on the psychology of selling. In essence, it was a course in manipulation. In words that made the act sound positive, we were taught to instill fearful beliefs in our customers so they, in an effort to end their discomfort, would buy our products. Before [Read More...]
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
The Guy That Shows Up in Dreams ALL Over the World
Q. I'd like to know about that guy that allegedly shows up in random people's dreams who have never seen him before, as documented here: I'm not even sure if this is true or not, but it sure has grabbed my attention
A. I do get this as being true. As I tune into him, I see that in his physical existence he was a monk and had a very religious and spiritual connection to his higher self and a higher source. I see that during a meditation he was told to that he was "chosen" to stay on earth to guide people to listen to their subconscious- I can't get the term for what this was called- It was as if now he was in training (due to the limitations he had within his human body he couldn't realize his full potential) and in his afterlife he was going to be like an angel (but angel isn't the right word..??) I see he died in the 1800s and when he did he did not go into the light, but rather stayed in a spiritual form within the spirit realm on earth. He maintained a high vibration in his physical form, but upon dying his vibration increased tremendously (to this "angel like" state)!
I see he is called upon during times of stress, and comes to people in their dreams to help them. It is as if he is a conduit or translator between the subconscious and conscious mind. When people are experiencing trying times, or having a hard time following with the "universe" is telling them, he comes in to help makes sense of the messages in their dreams.
I don't see him as fearful or malicious. In fact I see people feeling better after connecting to him in their sleep state. It looks like he enables people to find clarity that otherwise feels lost without a little guidance.
And that is all I have for this reading. Love and light-

I see he is called upon during times of stress, and comes to people in their dreams to help them. It is as if he is a conduit or translator between the subconscious and conscious mind. When people are experiencing trying times, or having a hard time following with the "universe" is telling them, he comes in to help makes sense of the messages in their dreams.
I don't see him as fearful or malicious. In fact I see people feeling better after connecting to him in their sleep state. It looks like he enables people to find clarity that otherwise feels lost without a little guidance.
And that is all I have for this reading. Love and light-
“Mommy, What’s Holy Water?”
For nonreligious kids, holy water is a pretty bizarre concept. Because it’s water. Poured in a basin. And declared to be magic. I’m not trying to be condescending here. It’s just that kids who have not been raised up in any particular faith group and who have not be taught that “evil spirits” are to be feared, or that souls are [Read More...]
Monday, January 26, 2015
The Turbine Theory of Conciousness by Deepak Chopra
The Future of God (A Conversation between Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Kyra Phillips, CNN)
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Q & A XXLIV: Real or Not Real [Group Post]
Q. Hi Lynn, is Lobsang T. Rampa a Tibetan monk that died during the war but came back immediately by taking over the body of Cyril Hoskins who (through a soul agreement) agreed to this (as Cyril was going to "leave" soon anyway.) Or was Cyril Hoskins just a liar who told everyone he was a different person all of a sudden; a Tibetan monk named Lobsang. From then on he wrote 18 books on metaphysical and spiritual matters they were 100% true. "Where" is he now?
A. I see that Lobsang and Hoskins were in the same "spiritual" place at the same time (as if they both died or were in the state of dying and their souls "met.") It looks like some communication happened in which Lobsang told Hoskins that his time on earth wasn't done while in the spiritual state of being, and Hoskins came back to his physical body (I get that Hoskins was actually dead for a short time). When Hoskins came back, he was not Lobsang, but he was able to channel Lobsang (as if Lobsang hung around as a guide or spiritual inspiration- I get they "talked"). Hoskins was Lobsangs "tool" used to spread knowledge and insight that Lobsang gained "on the other side."
Q. Hi Lynn not related so much to this at first sight, but maybe you want to answer it now or later: What does this magnetic anomaly represent which NASA discovered back in 2005 in the minor lake Titicaca, Peru? (the area I refer to is encircled by a black oval, and the image from NASA showing the anomaly appears on the right side of the map.) Thank You!
A. I get there is very unique stone there- it almost feels like this stone contains an element not commonly (if ever) found on earth. I keep getting images of a liquid magnet (like this stone was caused out of something liquefying and then hardening as it sat on the bottom of the lake bed). When I pose how that happened?, I see a UFO in flames (as if it exploded) during some kind of space battle many thousands of years ago, and falling to earth...??
Q. Hi Lynn. Have you seen this video? Is it real? What do you think it is happening?
A. I do see that guiding forces can come into people lives to prevent them from leaving earth before they are ready, but I get this is not a "true" video showing that.
I see guiding forces nudging you to go in different directions for reasons you may not understand at the time. For example, in a real situation this man may have crossed the street in a different direction or had a reason to stop his bike... A guide works in mysterious ways.
I do get that people can be put in situations that they should "die" but remain unharmed- For example, this man could have been hit, flew off his bike and remain unharmed (as if an energetic bubble of protection surrounded him), but to be swiped away doesn't have a "true feeling" to it..
Q. Wow, thanks for your amazing work. My question is about the book "The Key" by the writer Whitley Strieber. In it, he claims while on a book tour in 1998 a man came to his hotel room in Canada and they had a long conversation about more or less everything. The man may have been Archangel Michael. Is the book an accurate portrayal of what happened or was Streiber the object of some deliberate, human psychological operation?
A. As I focus on this, I see a man sitting in a hotel room, and he is having a conversation with himself. I get the impression that there is an energy or presence with him, but you cannot see it. I see that this is a mental communication versus a verbal communication. I get that Whitley could not "see" this entity with his eyes, but rather "saw" him in his mind very vividly- like how you would feel in a daydream. I do get that there was a spiritual interaction in which Whitley was in tune with something that was there, and not in a physical form. I do not get it was an angel, but like a higher self/higher source type energy. I feel his book and discussions of this experience are genuine and honest.
Q. Would you know when they plan on releasing these? Link to YouTube:
I am closing this reading for now. Thank you. Love and light-
A. I see that Lobsang and Hoskins were in the same "spiritual" place at the same time (as if they both died or were in the state of dying and their souls "met.") It looks like some communication happened in which Lobsang told Hoskins that his time on earth wasn't done while in the spiritual state of being, and Hoskins came back to his physical body (I get that Hoskins was actually dead for a short time). When Hoskins came back, he was not Lobsang, but he was able to channel Lobsang (as if Lobsang hung around as a guide or spiritual inspiration- I get they "talked"). Hoskins was Lobsangs "tool" used to spread knowledge and insight that Lobsang gained "on the other side."

A. I get there is very unique stone there- it almost feels like this stone contains an element not commonly (if ever) found on earth. I keep getting images of a liquid magnet (like this stone was caused out of something liquefying and then hardening as it sat on the bottom of the lake bed). When I pose how that happened?, I see a UFO in flames (as if it exploded) during some kind of space battle many thousands of years ago, and falling to earth...??
Q. Hi Lynn. Have you seen this video? Is it real? What do you think it is happening?
A. I do see that guiding forces can come into people lives to prevent them from leaving earth before they are ready, but I get this is not a "true" video showing that.
I see guiding forces nudging you to go in different directions for reasons you may not understand at the time. For example, in a real situation this man may have crossed the street in a different direction or had a reason to stop his bike... A guide works in mysterious ways.
I do get that people can be put in situations that they should "die" but remain unharmed- For example, this man could have been hit, flew off his bike and remain unharmed (as if an energetic bubble of protection surrounded him), but to be swiped away doesn't have a "true feeling" to it..
Q Hi, Lynn. Are the unusual objects shown in this short video real discoveries by noted Egyptologist Sir William Petrie of Ancient Egyptian contact with extraterrestrials?
A. Something about this feels off. I do see that these artifacts represent interactions with ETs, but the dating of the elements found doesn't "feel" to match the time frame in which I see these interactions took place. I want to date the physical interactions back thousands of years, and I get in looking at many of his findings they are only hundreds of years old. I do think he found things that tell a story, but the story feels rewritten. For example, I see a story of ET interactions carrying forward hundreds and hundreds of years to a person and what Sir Petrie found was that persons interpretation of the story that they documented. The time frame is not authentic, but the story is...??
A. Something about this feels off. I do see that these artifacts represent interactions with ETs, but the dating of the elements found doesn't "feel" to match the time frame in which I see these interactions took place. I want to date the physical interactions back thousands of years, and I get in looking at many of his findings they are only hundreds of years old. I do think he found things that tell a story, but the story feels rewritten. For example, I see a story of ET interactions carrying forward hundreds and hundreds of years to a person and what Sir Petrie found was that persons interpretation of the story that they documented. The time frame is not authentic, but the story is...??
Q. Is the Mothman ( Chupacabra ( and the Dover Demon ( creatures from another planet?
A. When I focus on this, I get a connection to this these being true entities, but I can't get a strong connection as to why (specifically) they presented themselves, or how they got here... I get they are drawn to low vibrations (areas of death, destruction, negativity) as if these locations are like a beacon, but then they leave as the negative energy dissipates. They come, feed (literally) on the fear and panic, and when that fades they move on elsewhere. I cannot get a lot of these creatures. (I think it is in my greater good not to "go there.")??Q. Wow, thanks for your amazing work. My question is about the book "The Key" by the writer Whitley Strieber. In it, he claims while on a book tour in 1998 a man came to his hotel room in Canada and they had a long conversation about more or less everything. The man may have been Archangel Michael. Is the book an accurate portrayal of what happened or was Streiber the object of some deliberate, human psychological operation?
A. As I focus on this, I see a man sitting in a hotel room, and he is having a conversation with himself. I get the impression that there is an energy or presence with him, but you cannot see it. I see that this is a mental communication versus a verbal communication. I get that Whitley could not "see" this entity with his eyes, but rather "saw" him in his mind very vividly- like how you would feel in a daydream. I do get that there was a spiritual interaction in which Whitley was in tune with something that was there, and not in a physical form. I do not get it was an angel, but like a higher self/higher source type energy. I feel his book and discussions of this experience are genuine and honest.
Many thanks and blessings!
A. I get these are in Beta testing now. They will be live and ready to go (to enemy territories first) within the next 2 to 3 years.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
The Crucible of Stars by Deepak Chopra
The Future of God (A Conversation between Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Kyra Phillips, CNN)
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
The Science of Sleep | The Rabbit Hole
Published by
The average human being sleeps 6 to 8 hours a night, almost 50 hours a week, and more than 2,600 hours a year— that means, on average, we spend almost 21 years of our lives asleep. In this week’s episode of “The Rabbit Hole” on The Chopra Well, Deepak Chopra explores the little understood world of sleep, so essential to our health.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Elemental Ethos: Earth
The local ecosystem is our home, our host. I have come to realize that, for me, it is disrespectful to an ecosystem to bring food into it, particularly if the food was processed industrially. By learning and mastering foraging techniques, we can learn to accept the ecosystem's hospitality. When we bring extrinsic food into our ecosystem, it comes with an implied message: I am not willing to even try to subsist in relationship with you directly, so that we can thrive cooperatively with one another. I am a mere visitor, and will not stay long enough to develop such a relationship.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Magic Book Surprise
Magic Book Surprise Meet and Fuck In this game, you are a nerdy white boy who is bullied by the school jock into doing his homework for him. While he is knocking you around, a book falls on your head, … Continue reading →
Sunday, January 18, 2015
What is Reality? - by Deepak Chopra
The Future of God (A Conversation between Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Kyra Phillips, CNN)
Deepak discusses the current scientific model of reality, which tells us that 70% of the universe is dark energy.
Lawmakers To Meditate With Deepak Chopra
Can new age tactics get members of Congress to relax, get along and actually get something done?
Friday, January 16, 2015
Trevor Moran & Deepak Chopra - One World
From daily YouTube broadcasts, Apple store “dancing sprees”, 18 city YouTube tour, X-Factor appearances .. to winning the #TeenChoiceAward, 16-year old Trevor Moran has become a veteran in gaining viral YouTube attention reaching millions worldwide.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Meditate and relax with Deepak Chopra`s Non Local App
Written by Parmita Uniyal for
Is Science The Way to Figure Out The Truth - By Deepak Chopra
The Future of God (A Conversation between Deepak Chopra, M.D. and Kyra Phillips, CNN)
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Courting Controversy: Essay on Raising an ‘Only’ Child Kicks Up a Storm (GWEN IFILL SAID MY NAME)
Sometimes you set out to court controversy. When, four years ago, I decided to write a book about talking to kids about religion in secular households, I knew I’d ruffle some feathers. It’s religion, after all, and it’s children. And if there were ever two subjects open to some passionate f’ing opinions, it’s those two, right? And [Read More...]
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
JeromASF & Deepak Chopra - One World
Famous Minecraft & Call of Duty gamer Jerome ASF, created a new form of media ..interactive gaming that has become the largest industry in entertainment, financially as well as fanbase wise.
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Deepak Chopra Tops Impressive Bill at Motivational Pendulum Summit
Last year brought us the new phrase “conscious uncoupling”; now it’s time for “conscious business”.
Wisdom Wednesday…. Mistakes are mindful experiences
Through it all remain mindful, at in utilizing your strengths. There is a saying, “diamonds are born under pressure.”
Holy Spirit So Intense
I feel the Holy Spirit So intense and strong it is absolutely, positively, like no other feeling, it is pure Love from Father God and there is no doubt about it!
I was raised Catholic and I have to say that I felt the presence of the Holy spirit in the Catholic Church especially when I was young bo...
American Hindus, Narendra Modi, and Diverse Reactions
Although he is a Hindu, Modi is also a politician, immersed in an ongoing national and international political drama in which his Hinduness may not play a significant role.
Elements of Nature
Here I am. I feel you on my skin. I feel your power, but rather than overwhelming me, it is energizing me. I feel the cold air blowing through the hair on my body. I feel the moisture condensing on my skin, and the fire of my breath blowing its being back at the storm. I stand, barefoot, in the same spot long enough to feel all the snow underneath melt away, until finally my bare feet are once again directly on the earth.
‘I Love God, Even Though God Is Not Real’
I realize my last blog was depressing as shit. Sorry about that. Hey, it’s been a rough few days for all of us. But I don’t hang around here trying to bring you guys down. So here, to put a smile on your face, is a little blast from my past. I re-read it today and it did manage to [Read More...]
Envision Peace, Live Peace
As we become more frequently centered in Peace, we are better able to manifest more Peace in our relationships with others and be part of collective processes of bringing more Peace into the world.
Rarity is Precious
Rare treasures are valued worldwide. Diamonds are really just pretty rocks that come out of the ground. They are prized more than other equally stunning rocks because they are incredibly scarce. Elite athletes do a great deal less for society than teachers, but they are celebrated because they possess a talent far more uncommon (but [Read More...]
Thursday, January 8, 2015
France and Charlie Hebo
Q. Psychic Focus, What did you see in this horrendous Charlie Hebo attack? Do you see more attacks by Islamist terrorists in Europe? How did the French police manage to identity the 3 attackers when they are masked? We shall not bow to Fear & Intimidation
A. The first thing I get is "When things start to get quiet, a sprinkle of fear needs to be laid down." The energy around the world feels like it is building, and at some point there will be a point where the energy bursts, and at that time a major battle will ensue. The seeds are being planted everywhere (Canada, Australia and now France along with others) of how there are terrorists and rogue ISIS groups emerging. The groundwork is being laid that we need to be fearful, we are not safe and eventually action will need to be taken to stop ISIS. Many people don't want a war, but with enough fear and worry, a war will be justifiable, and "the people will want it to feel safe again."
I do see more attacks. I see them being very sporadic, and intentionally"odd" (facts don't add up, evidence doesn't align with what is told, facts appear to be assumptions and some evidence gets misplaced or contaminated). I get an image of a board meeting, and in the center they are rolling dice to see what they want to focus on next.
I don't see any definite evidence in being able to identify these people. I get that when this happened some names were "dropped" several times, and by hearing it over and over, they became the "names" that were used. It was as if the names they wanted used were known, and talking about them made it real. ??? I also get that the names given are not these men's birth names- something between the face of the person and the name doesn't match. They feel like "spokesman" for ISIS in this.
Q. Why do we really care about ISIS?
A. I keep seeing Hitler references. Hitler (even though is viewed as bad by many people) unified Germany, got them out of debt and formed a strong army. The world didn't want him to advance or grow beyond where he already was, and he was stopped.
I get ISIS (or the illusion of ISIS) is similar to that (by what I am seeing). The image we are shown in the media is that ISIS is growing, has dedicated soldiers, and is becoming strong. We are creating the same emotional feelings that we had towards Hitler.
There are a couple of reasons that we care about this group: 1. Many countries helped to create this "group." Many countries thought a partnership was being made that allowed a way to monitor oil and political events in other countries (kind of like the CIA without being called "CIA") that didn't have an outside military presence. 2. The world revolves around oil (I hear it referred to as "black gold.")
Q. Hamid M, an 18 year old brother in law of the 2 suspects went spontaneously to he police. If the 2 others are really not involved, why don't they follow his example?
A. I see that once a "patsy" is named, it is nearly impossible to reverse it (then I get a flood of Boson Bombing symbols come to me). The brother in law went to clear his name, and when he realized he couldn't, I see a deal being made where he has to admit some level of guilt.
Even though terrible things are going on, we have to break the cycle of fear. I get that fear is a dominating force used to control us physically and mentally. I see an image of a child that is scared of the dark, but once we turn the light on, there is nothing to fear. I get much of our world is like that- we live with the lights off. We can't live waiting on the next event because doing so just adds more negative (fearful) energy to the universe. If we focus on positivity and sent out higher vibrations, we can really make a difference (and start turning the lights on)..
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you.
A. The first thing I get is "When things start to get quiet, a sprinkle of fear needs to be laid down." The energy around the world feels like it is building, and at some point there will be a point where the energy bursts, and at that time a major battle will ensue. The seeds are being planted everywhere (Canada, Australia and now France along with others) of how there are terrorists and rogue ISIS groups emerging. The groundwork is being laid that we need to be fearful, we are not safe and eventually action will need to be taken to stop ISIS. Many people don't want a war, but with enough fear and worry, a war will be justifiable, and "the people will want it to feel safe again."
I do see more attacks. I see them being very sporadic, and intentionally"odd" (facts don't add up, evidence doesn't align with what is told, facts appear to be assumptions and some evidence gets misplaced or contaminated). I get an image of a board meeting, and in the center they are rolling dice to see what they want to focus on next.
I don't see any definite evidence in being able to identify these people. I get that when this happened some names were "dropped" several times, and by hearing it over and over, they became the "names" that were used. It was as if the names they wanted used were known, and talking about them made it real. ??? I also get that the names given are not these men's birth names- something between the face of the person and the name doesn't match. They feel like "spokesman" for ISIS in this.

A. I keep seeing Hitler references. Hitler (even though is viewed as bad by many people) unified Germany, got them out of debt and formed a strong army. The world didn't want him to advance or grow beyond where he already was, and he was stopped.
I get ISIS (or the illusion of ISIS) is similar to that (by what I am seeing). The image we are shown in the media is that ISIS is growing, has dedicated soldiers, and is becoming strong. We are creating the same emotional feelings that we had towards Hitler.
There are a couple of reasons that we care about this group: 1. Many countries helped to create this "group." Many countries thought a partnership was being made that allowed a way to monitor oil and political events in other countries (kind of like the CIA without being called "CIA") that didn't have an outside military presence. 2. The world revolves around oil (I hear it referred to as "black gold.")
Q. Hamid M, an 18 year old brother in law of the 2 suspects went spontaneously to he police. If the 2 others are really not involved, why don't they follow his example?
A. I see that once a "patsy" is named, it is nearly impossible to reverse it (then I get a flood of Boson Bombing symbols come to me). The brother in law went to clear his name, and when he realized he couldn't, I see a deal being made where he has to admit some level of guilt.
Even though terrible things are going on, we have to break the cycle of fear. I get that fear is a dominating force used to control us physically and mentally. I see an image of a child that is scared of the dark, but once we turn the light on, there is nothing to fear. I get much of our world is like that- we live with the lights off. We can't live waiting on the next event because doing so just adds more negative (fearful) energy to the universe. If we focus on positivity and sent out higher vibrations, we can really make a difference (and start turning the lights on)..
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you.
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Great Sphinx, Egyptians and Electric
Q.This woman says that the Great Sphinx in Egypt is a generator and inside of the Sphinx is a perpetual motion machine. She is Bulgarian and does not speak English. The youtube description is written in English that is hard to understand. Is what she is saying accurate? Does the Sphinx have a perpetual motion generator inside of it? If it does, what was the original intent of the generator if the ancient Egyptians did not have electricity?
A. When I focus on Egypt, the Sphinx and the pyramids, I see that the Sphinx is location where knowledge was held. I get a message about the shape and depiction of the Sphinx itself is somehow symbolic of "wisdom." (I also keep seeing cat eyes or pupils as I relay this message). I get more images of scrolls and tablets- and see there is a labyrinth of ways to get to the central location where the "wisdom" is held. It plays out in my mind as an Indiana Jones movie in which the "wisdom" was held to both protect the "wisdom" and also protect the people from something they may not be able to handle.
Q. What information was held within the Sphinx and where did it come from?
A. I get the Egyptians had a very sophisticated society, but they didn't start that way. The land itself has a sacred feeling about it (portal? laylines? vortex?) that drew what Egyptians referred to as "Star People" to their location. When the "Star People" arrived, they helped the humans (they were drawn to the beauty of humans??). The "Star People" bread with the Egyptians, and I get the Egyptians looked at it with great honor. They even had a term of this mating, and referred to it as being "Star Seeded" if you were impregnated by a "Star Being." The offspring were "Star Seeds" and treated as gods themselves.
During their interaction ideas regarding knowledge, technology and wisdom were shared with the humans. This information along with information regarding ETs, etc is all buried within the Sphinx. I also get that the concepts are intense such as how to travel on light waves or how to work through gravity versus against it. It was told to the Egyptians to protect this knowledge because without guidance (from the ETs) this information could be destructive to those that possess it.
Q. Did the Egyptians have electric?
A. Regarding electric and power... When I focus on this I get that Egyptians did have power. I first see the pyramids (all three lined up). Visually they look very different than what we see now. On the top of each pyramid was a crystal stone that served as an entrance/exit point. The sides were also shiny and flat (they don't look like the current day steps in my mind??) I get this exterior shell was made out of a crushed sea shell type epoxy.
It looks like the pyramids were built in a strategic way in which they were able to extract electricity from the ground/air (like they built up static charge from some movement or static charge around it). I keep seeing images of a river or stream, and feel that in ancient Egypt there was either some kind of water moving near the pyramids that created the electric charge or possibly flowed underground beneath the pyramid (I realize it is a dessert now??). [Then out of NO WHERE I get an image of Tesla, and he is saying "That is what I have been trying to tell people- We do have the capability from pulling electricity out of what looks like nothing. It is free, abundant and available to all." ??]
Back to Egypt- As I try to see how these pyramids work, I first see they pull in electrical charge and store it within the center of the pyramid like a battery. I see a very complicated system of gold tubing and pink colored stone- and it is very exact regarding how it is set up. I get the impression that these pyramids make noise, or hum due to the vibrations tied to the electrically charged stone in internal workings (I hear the hum and I sense people feel the vibration in the nearby ground). Sometimes the stored electrical charge would be so great that the electric would need to dissipate, and when that happened the charge erupted out the top of the pyramid like a reverse lightening bolt. This discharge could be forced or involuntary depending on what what going on.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you.
When I was first starting this blog (a few years ago) I did a reading on this topic. I didn't go very deep into it, but wanted to share the link for those of you that were interested.

Q. What information was held within the Sphinx and where did it come from?

During their interaction ideas regarding knowledge, technology and wisdom were shared with the humans. This information along with information regarding ETs, etc is all buried within the Sphinx. I also get that the concepts are intense such as how to travel on light waves or how to work through gravity versus against it. It was told to the Egyptians to protect this knowledge because without guidance (from the ETs) this information could be destructive to those that possess it.
Q. Did the Egyptians have electric?
A. Regarding electric and power... When I focus on this I get that Egyptians did have power. I first see the pyramids (all three lined up). Visually they look very different than what we see now. On the top of each pyramid was a crystal stone that served as an entrance/exit point. The sides were also shiny and flat (they don't look like the current day steps in my mind??) I get this exterior shell was made out of a crushed sea shell type epoxy.
It looks like the pyramids were built in a strategic way in which they were able to extract electricity from the ground/air (like they built up static charge from some movement or static charge around it). I keep seeing images of a river or stream, and feel that in ancient Egypt there was either some kind of water moving near the pyramids that created the electric charge or possibly flowed underground beneath the pyramid (I realize it is a dessert now??). [Then out of NO WHERE I get an image of Tesla, and he is saying "That is what I have been trying to tell people- We do have the capability from pulling electricity out of what looks like nothing. It is free, abundant and available to all." ??]
Back to Egypt- As I try to see how these pyramids work, I first see they pull in electrical charge and store it within the center of the pyramid like a battery. I see a very complicated system of gold tubing and pink colored stone- and it is very exact regarding how it is set up. I get the impression that these pyramids make noise, or hum due to the vibrations tied to the electrically charged stone in internal workings (I hear the hum and I sense people feel the vibration in the nearby ground). Sometimes the stored electrical charge would be so great that the electric would need to dissipate, and when that happened the charge erupted out the top of the pyramid like a reverse lightening bolt. This discharge could be forced or involuntary depending on what what going on.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you.
When I was first starting this blog (a few years ago) I did a reading on this topic. I didn't go very deep into it, but wanted to share the link for those of you that were interested.
Friday, January 2, 2015
Tremendous Great Psychic Reader for all those wanting for area psychic small business qualified
I recently considered I would share a few internet sites which can be information about epic psychic numbers. There's just a little something a few authentic live psychic studying that just goes past words. The most beneficial factor to mention about this is, is just get it done and get it above with, find out that the lifestyle sucks now in order that if you are on the dying bed you may currently know. For the people who have epic lives will know in advance of they die way too.
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