Saturday, January 30, 2016

Oregon FBI Shooting of Robert Lavoy Finicum (Multiple Requests)

Q. Hi Lynn... I hope you can do a 'Focus Session' reading on the shooting of Robert 'Lavoy' Finicum in Oregon. Very disturbing...and sad...

Q2. Greetings Lynn, Would you please look into the Oregon FBI shooting that took place this past Tuesday that killed a man? There are two conflicting eye-witness stories, one from a girl who claimed she saw Mr. LaVoy Finicum get shot, and another from a guy who said he was about 200 feet or so away. They both give opposing views as to what happened. Who is telling the truth? If the girl is telling the truth, then the evidence would bear out multiple shots fired upon the car. Will those arrested be released at all, or is the FBI going to make an example of them? Thank you so much...!

For reference, here is the clip of the girl's testimony:

Here's the man's testimony:
A. When I tune into this I see a group of people that have bonded together and have a core belief system that is so strong it couldn't be broken. They (this group) have lost faith in the government and those that are meant to provide protection. They were (and some still are) taking a stand against what they felt was unconstitutional in hopes that others would unite and maybe, just maybe, evoke some change.

They (this group) weren't trying to causes problems, but had the intent of making people realize that there are certain rights that shouldn't be infringed. The government felt very threatened by this and has been trying to intimidate this group of people to encourage them to leave (and certain people turn themselves into the law). Traditionally, through enough fear tactics and making things more difficult, people have given up, but in this case they would not back down. When the fear didn't work, the government needed to do something more drastic.

The government became more and more aggressive (and somewhat passive aggressive) trying to intimidate these people, but it wasn't working. There was a lot of anger building up by the police force because of the problems this group was causing them (and government pressure to get this story shut down). The real intent of the police was to form a road block, and arrest the people in the vehicle, but the anger caused a "trigger happy" result. It was like they wanted a reason to fire a shot (almost hoped for it) and once the first shot was taken, they all let loose. This man wasn't trying to run or grab a weapon, but in an instant they decided to make an example of this man (to strengthen the fear and create a deterrent for this behavior), Free thinkers are seen as some of the biggest threats.

If this pocket of social unrest doesn't resolve itself, I see more and more of this behavior. The stories will be twisted that the "officer was in fear" or "he/she looked to be going for a weapon" but the reality is they want the people to stand down.

And that is all I have for this reading. Love and light to Robert and his family.

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