A. As I approach this reading the first thing I get is to take this in as expanding knowledge, and not as a way to focus on fear. Fear lends strength to the already lower consciousness, and by viewing this through the perspective of empowerment we can disengage from the negativity..
Then I get that the time lines have been shifted for quite some time. The dollar has been on the edge of collapse, silver has been suppressed and the dynamic of which we live has been altered. If things would have followed a natural progression, everything would have "reset" by now or at least been on the path to evolve into something else, but freewill is a powerful thing, and the Powers that Be have had dominant control over this. Then I hear that all things (both good and bad) have to come to an end, and the natural evolution of life involves births and deaths (some great, so minor) of events, people, ideas or even perceptions of reality in order to continue to grow and move on.

Q. I want to focus on the financial system... The intent behind the topic is: what is going to happen (big picture)?
A. I see China taking the lead. They are going to push for a gold backed system that they control. I see a huge push for the sale of oil and other important items being made in terms of gold (or at least an attempt to do so), and at the point the already brewing friction in the middle east will escalate. The term ISIS will be even more brought about so the US can have a erason to be there with troops on the ground to guard resources and have a presence (they want to make sure they can work out a deal to maintain access to this resources regardless of what monetary system the rest of the world has to use).
Silver looks to go up, but still not true to value... Something (some force of freewill out there) still suppresses it until later in the year (I ALWAYS see Christmas trees when I focus on this as if it will happen, but it will be winter when it does). When the happens the stock market game will also be over, and I still see this being played for a while until the key players have all their "chess pieces" in alignment.
Q. Will disclosure be a part of this?
A. I see that disclosure has been talked about and wanted for a long time (as if our collective subconscious knows the truth and we are just begging to have it be confirmed at the conscious level). I see other countries doing it, but the US resists claiming to do so in the name of protecting people. I get it is really because some big religious groups are using their influence to hold this back because disclosure really contradicts some of the belief systems out there and challenges the credibility of the church.
Q. Does Jade Helm have anything to do with the this?
A. Yes, Jade Helm is an "exercise" that allows a lot of strategic work to happen with an excuse for why it is happening. The government fully expects chaos when people see these changes taking place. I also see that Russia and China will view the US as vulnerable once the breakdown of systems starts to occur. Jade Helm is being used to plot their defensive maneuvers.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
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