Scheduled Meditation with a Weekly Focus

Here is a schedule (that we can modify depending on comments that come in).. Let's start on June 21st in celebration of the summer solstice (when energy is already high).
June 21st: Focus on a collective conscious rise in vibration with a focus on togetherness, oneness and connectedness to each other. Realize we are all one.
June 28th: Take our oneness and use that strength to address any past karmatic issues or trauma housed in the oneness (crimes against humanity or other beings). Dismiss them and strengthen the bonds between all of us elevating our vibration along the way.
July 5th: Focus on healing the earth. We have all the resources we need to live, and when we continue to give back to the earth, it will continue to provide. We are surrounded with abundance. *On this same topic A Man Called Dadaforwarded me an article regarding healing water. If we all took some time to do this (on a small or big scale), this could be a beautiful step in putting energy and healing into our water. I encourage you to read this and share it.
July 12th: Focus on banishing the effects of fear. See items causing fear (finances, politics, etc) as a statement of knowledge and learning, but disengage from the emotion (which just makes it stronger). Eventually these tactics become ineffective, and from there peace can begin to blossom.
I look forward to "seeing" you there. Love and light- Lynn