Q. Hi Lynn! First of all, thanks for your wonderful work! I was wondering if you could make a reading on GoodETxSG. This guy is an "insider" who had begun working with David Wilcock this year, but some friends of mine did a research on him and he seems to be releasing some intel on some forums for 2+ years. Now is leaking some info here: goodetxsg-secretspaceprogram.blogspot.com He has also created another website here: http://spherebeingalliance.com/index.php
A. [I did go to these websites and spent a few minutes "feeling" his energy before tuning into this reading.] As I connect to him, his messages for the most part resonate with me. I get that he has knowledge due to life experience, and also knowledge due to his spiritual connection with the "oneness." The words clairvoyance (he just sees things like a waking daydream) and claircognizance (he knows things) combined with his life experiences with ET life provides him with a lot of insight.
I see he relays his messages, but not with a purpose to instill fear, but rather spread truth and help people to realize truth leads to empowerment. With a level of increased consciousness, we can rise and at that moment join with a higher ET force. There is also the underlying message that there are ETs out there to help us, we just have to be open to their help and be willing to work with them is they are willing to put forth their effort. For us to regain earth we have to be willing to work toward freeing ourselves too, and freedom cannot be bestowed upon us. (Then I get that you can set up a country with democracy, but if the people don't want it and aren't willing to fight or put forth effort to maintain it, a true democracy will not be realized- Freedom from control of the cabal works the same way)
I see we are headed toward freedom from the cabal, but in order for us to accomplish that goal we must raise the overall consciousness and be worthy and accepting of these positive ET forces. I also get that we have a lot of work to do, but it is achievable. The cabal is scared and clinging on to what they can- spreading fear and trying to keep the vibrations lowered. But, the truth is we are slowly rejecting these lower vibrations (I see the power that be in a real panic and at points of desperation- I hear that false items are in place trying to keep us in this illusion. The illusion is that they are in control, but in reality we are, but we put false intimidation upon ourselves.) and the shift is happening now...
The split...
To further expand upon this, I see two splits happening with this shift. I have been asked about something referred to by many people as the "Event." I see as consciousness rises, and people evolve they will graduate into a higher dimension during their next incarnation. There is a divide in dimensions in which those that have elevated themselves will be able to experience life in a 4D or 5D experience during their next physical incarnation. They may choose to come back in the 3D world, but they are open to learning additional life lessons and grow through experience in a higher dimension. Until now the majority of people have been blocked from advancing by getting caught up in incarnation cycles, but by regaining our power, many opportunities open up- and the cycle can be broken.
Those that aren't capable or chose to reside in the lower vibrations will be stuck in the 3D loop. They won't be able to advance until they are capable of maintaining a consistent frequency.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
I have also included links to previous David Wilcock readings:

I see he relays his messages, but not with a purpose to instill fear, but rather spread truth and help people to realize truth leads to empowerment. With a level of increased consciousness, we can rise and at that moment join with a higher ET force. There is also the underlying message that there are ETs out there to help us, we just have to be open to their help and be willing to work with them is they are willing to put forth their effort. For us to regain earth we have to be willing to work toward freeing ourselves too, and freedom cannot be bestowed upon us. (Then I get that you can set up a country with democracy, but if the people don't want it and aren't willing to fight or put forth effort to maintain it, a true democracy will not be realized- Freedom from control of the cabal works the same way)
I see we are headed toward freedom from the cabal, but in order for us to accomplish that goal we must raise the overall consciousness and be worthy and accepting of these positive ET forces. I also get that we have a lot of work to do, but it is achievable. The cabal is scared and clinging on to what they can- spreading fear and trying to keep the vibrations lowered. But, the truth is we are slowly rejecting these lower vibrations (I see the power that be in a real panic and at points of desperation- I hear that false items are in place trying to keep us in this illusion. The illusion is that they are in control, but in reality we are, but we put false intimidation upon ourselves.) and the shift is happening now...
The split...
To further expand upon this, I see two splits happening with this shift. I have been asked about something referred to by many people as the "Event." I see as consciousness rises, and people evolve they will graduate into a higher dimension during their next incarnation. There is a divide in dimensions in which those that have elevated themselves will be able to experience life in a 4D or 5D experience during their next physical incarnation. They may choose to come back in the 3D world, but they are open to learning additional life lessons and grow through experience in a higher dimension. Until now the majority of people have been blocked from advancing by getting caught up in incarnation cycles, but by regaining our power, many opportunities open up- and the cycle can be broken.
Those that aren't capable or chose to reside in the lower vibrations will be stuck in the 3D loop. They won't be able to advance until they are capable of maintaining a consistent frequency.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
I have also included links to previous David Wilcock readings:
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