Thursday, July 23, 2015
Walk-In Bathtubs Are Over-Priced For Most Budgets

Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Religion Can Harm Kids — But It Isn’t Child Abuse
Last week blogger Neil Carter, of Godless in Dixie fame, wrote a blog that has raised the ire of a whole mess of atheists. The blog was headlined: Stop Saying That Teaching Children Creationism Is Child Abuse. In it, he argues that theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss got it wrong when he claimed, on an Australian show called [Read More...]
Monday, July 13, 2015
Mini Ice Age On the Way??
Q. Is a mini ICE AGE coming? Scientists warn the sun will 'sleep' in 2020. The rare phenomenon will lead to a phenomenon known as the 'Maunder minimum' - which has previously been known as a mini ice age when it hit between 1646 and 1715. Read the full story:
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/ sciencetech/article-3156594/ Is-mini-ICE-AGE-way- Scientists-warn-sun-sleep- 2020-cause-temperatures- plummet.html
A. When I focus on this I get that it is more a shifting of climates due to the wobble of the earth rather than the change in the sun. I do see the sun at white hot, in fact hotter than ever. I do get an analogy that it will get hot like that before it cools down (or even off?), but the time frame for that is very far into the future (so far I cannot see). The intensity of the sun combined with our change in atmosphere / magnetosphere, creates a very intense feeling from the sun.
The weather anomalies we experience now are in direct correlation with the earth wobble (I see the north pole sort of "dipping" down as it wobbles pulling some areas much further north, and others much further south). The earth looks like a weeble wobble. I see this occurring for many more years until the "red comet" system has passed and the begins to normalize in her orbit.
I also see that snow will accumulate in some areas that had little or no snow, while it melts in other areas. I can't see the amount growing, but rather shifting about. The snow will build up at the location of true north (which is not where we have it pin pointed on a globe). The amount of cold versus hot has a balanced feel to it, but the locations look to be very different.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

The weather anomalies we experience now are in direct correlation with the earth wobble (I see the north pole sort of "dipping" down as it wobbles pulling some areas much further north, and others much further south). The earth looks like a weeble wobble. I see this occurring for many more years until the "red comet" system has passed and the begins to normalize in her orbit.
I also see that snow will accumulate in some areas that had little or no snow, while it melts in other areas. I can't see the amount growing, but rather shifting about. The snow will build up at the location of true north (which is not where we have it pin pointed on a globe). The amount of cold versus hot has a balanced feel to it, but the locations look to be very different.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Thursday, July 9, 2015
United Airlines Grounded
Q. United Airlines grounded their flights today. There are a lot of rumors going around. Can you tell us what you see regarding this?
A. I get that not only was their computer system "glitchy" but it was taken over. It was as if when people (US employees) were in the system they couldn't control the screen, but could see that someone else was controlling it remotely. Then I hear that this system was working much like the computer program "TeamViewer" which is a program that allows someone access a computer remotely.
A. The first thing I get when I tune into this is that the US had to prevent a disaster from happening. Then I see situation in which airplanes were being rerouted, pilots were not able to use auto pilot, and absolute chaos was in the air. This could not happen, and the airline had no choice but to shut down or face a certain devestating event.
Q. I then pose, What would cause such a disaster?

Q. Who took control and what are they doing?
A. I get another country hacked into the system. I am seeing analogies come through much like when the bank system (JP Morgan) got hacked, only this time it looks like an outside source. I hear "knockoff"? and then get China was involved in this. Then I get (and hear) clearly it was NOT ISIS.
It was both a bully tactic from China and also used to show that they are more intelligent than many people give them credit. It was a test to see if they (China) could do it, how long they could retain control of it, and to prove that the US isn't as protected as they think they are. The US was able to regain control, but it took time and cost a lot of money. I also see partial truths being shared because the US doesn't want the people to lose faith in all the "protection" they have here. There is some element of being embarrassed, like someone got one over on them.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Monday, July 6, 2015
Airplanes Over Australia
Q. Dear Lynn, In Sydney right now, there are airplanes (that look like normal commercial airplanes) passing by our area here in an interval as short as 2 minutes. They have kept coming one after another and only stopped for a few hours. It has happened this intensely for 1 day and a half already - or more (so you can imagine how many had flown by). Now they don't even use military helicopters or police cars around this area but normal-looking private-used cars.
What in these air-planes that you see? Do they carry important people or something else important? What are they preparing for? What event is about to come in the following weeks or months in this particular area or even the whole Australia? Thank you so much for your help. With love and many blessings.
A. I get this activity comes and goes. I see an image of islands that is to the east or northeast of Sydney that is really the place of interest. They are flying over Sydney going to and from this group of islands that looks to have a semi secretive base (people know it is there, but isn't really talked about and is downplayed when it is addressed.
Then I ask, What is on this island base that is taking up more activity.. It has this "feel" of housing some key people during some kind of negotiation. Because these key people are here, the security and alert is extra high. I get there is a secret meeting place, and more than normal face to face interactions are occurring right now.
Who is there? Who is this key person?
The message I hear is that these are people that are meeting that you wouldn't normally expect to see together or would be highly suspect of something happening if you were to see them together. I also get that it has to do with a drill on the eastern shores of Australia, like people are pooling up to come to the rescue after this "event" happens. They feel tied to security and safety. I keep seeing images of Russia (and ask what they would be doing there??) and there is some kind of secret alliance forming (then I pose, Why?) and I get it is because if they secretly make an alliance with Russia (and it has to be on the quiet), then Russia will promise to help protect them [Australia] from the "ISIS" situations that are going on in the world. There also needs to be some kind of false flag (with troops close by to form a rescue) in order to be able to talk and convince other lawmakers that this alliance is a good idea and in the greater good for Australia. I don't see this as a blatant, in the open deal (in fact there is some shame tied to it), but feels necessary for the protection of the people.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
Friday, July 3, 2015
The Stoneage: An Era Of Realization and Knitters
This Is A Work In Progress
The Stone Age is a broad prehistoric period during which stone was widely used to make implements with a sharp edge, a point, or a percussion surface. They were learning to knit together a civil existence. Stone Age artifacts include tools used by modern humans and by their predecessors. Bone tools were used during this period as well but are rarely preserved in the archaeological record. Let's be more appreciative of our Stone Age ancestors. They were some of the...
Tunisia Attack and ISIS

A. I first get that the term "ISIS" has essentially supplied the world with a scapegoat term for any type of terrorist activity. It is as if almost anything can be done, and then blame it on the term "ISIS." It doesn't even have to mean that the act itself is carried out by Britain or the US (which I always see in my mind as the root of the ISIS sources). Then I get that the first countries to report and confirm an act as being carried out by ISIS are in reality (in some subliminal way) saying "IS US." I also get this is why the president has a hard time saying "ISIS" and chooses the word "ISIL" because he understands the underlying mind trick being used by this term.
To go a little deeper into this attack on Tunisia, I see it really being carried out by some Israeli group using "ISIS" for a cover. I also get that all these countries know the "real story" of who is doing what, but play along for the "sake of the people." It is easier to hate one group than go into several issues with several different countries. Israel wants some kind of support or backing, and is trying hard to make it happen by getting people on their side. Then I hear that "the enemy of your enemy is your friend," and that is the thoughts going into this. I see Israel as being in a tough spot right now and is trying hard to sure up alliances.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-
4 Simple Things Religious Parents Can Tell Their Kids to Build Tolerance for Nonbelievers
I talk a lot in my book (and this blog) about the importance of introducing secular kids to religious concepts, ideas and people. In my view, and maybe yours too, this is the only way kids can build compassion, literacy and genuine tolerance for the religious in their midst. But the same is true in reverse. [Read More...]
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Everything you need to know about Islam (Okay, maybe not everything)
You know what my life is missing? A Muslim kid. There’s no doubt that if I had Muslim friends with a Muslim child, I would be telling my 9-year-old a lot more about Islam than I do — not just because I would want her understand her friends’ beliefs, but because it would naturally just “come up” [Read More...]
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